"Seventeen Bad Guys"
on Rush just now. Repeated 3 times.
Da Fuk?
"Seventeen Bad Guys"
on Rush just now. Repeated 3 times.
Da Fuk?
rufkm? if you have to ask, you need to go back
Tommy the Moustache Wictor on Q:
they're gonny immaculate him as Patron of the MIddterms just like they made Ted Kennedy the Patron of Obamacare.
right. thx anon.
listening to Rush last couple?
Hear what's getting out there? Did you hear the guy talking about what he'd do if "they come for the guns?"
Here the guy a minute ago – "Just FIRE THEM ALL. WE'LL BACK HIM!!"
And of course the "17 Bad Guys" call.
Mainstreaming, baby!
what kind of a soulless placeholder says something like that?
what a waste of a generation. what a fucking waste of humanity.
All McCain, all the time.
Narrative shift. Trolling Trump. Trump's gonny #WIN this, too.
– Bill Donohue (Catholic League)
Just big enough to get a headline.
Normalization of unthinkable evil proceeding apace.