Anonymous ID: 52cae4 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:28 p.m. No.2725116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5287


I know nothing but it is possible that WE could be spraying something to counter something THEY put in the air.


We might have been poisoned with something and Trump might have authorized the antedote to be sprayed quietly to avoid panic.


If you knew some bad shit was done would you panic the zombie public or just go ahead and fix it?


Again no sauce I am thinking aloud.



Anonymous ID: 52cae4 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.2725241   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Of course Trump is a Mason. George Washington was a Mason.


The question is was the Masons ever good with actual good intent or have they always been the puppet of the Jews?


I think the Masons were infiltrated and corrupted. They were targeted deliberately like America itself has been.


I am of the opinion that what we are seeing is the older more esoteric true Masons having figured out that the Luciferian and the Jews had taken over and they created a grand plan in a ¨Brainstorm¨ conference in the 1970ś and hatched a counter attack. I believe they put out the movie ¨Brainstorm¨ to display their true beliefs of the Universe and to basically declare a state of war with the Illuminati wing.


I think everything in the movie is allegory of the Trinity and I think lots of the details are portrays of actual events.


I think the MI had been tricked and burned before in using their own kids in MKultra which is kind of hinted at in the events that happen to Christopher the son of Micheal. I believe the dialogue of the movie is very important. It reveals more than you would think on the surface.


I believe it is the original Q message to the World.


If your a vet on here and have a fairly deep understanding of esoteric stuff you can catch all the hidden stuff.


MI portrays themselves in the movie. Watch the guy who is watching Micheal in secret. Watch how they root Micheal on in hacking into the Company(cia) watch how they dont lift a finger to stop Micheal in anything he does until (((they))) are in the room with him.


I think this shit is personal for MI because they got fucked and burned by (((them))) bad with this MKultra shit.