Anonymous ID: 5bab9e Aug. 24, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.2724813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4840 >>4873





more details here, name some names. Actual facts. I'm not saying you're wrong here, I think you're probably right, but, well, a ton if it has to do with the city, the size of the venue, etc.


You're setting "corporate tour packages" against "real actual traveling bands".


What would be "corporate tour packages" be in 2018? And would "corporate tour packages" really even be the same type of music as "real actual traveling bands".


I was reading Stereogum the last couple days and apparently Nicki Minaj had her tour canceled because no one gives a fuck about that kind of music at all. Apparently she was booked at Basketball arenas in major markets, 20K cap venues, and she had sales of like 1K in New Orleans, 2K in Baltimore.


VMAs were the worst rated ever, smallest audience ever, was all Top 40 crap. This after last year, same thing, people don't want top 40 crap.


I assume that "corporate tour packages" = "top 40 crap"


Top 40 crap = CAnniBAL music. It's always shit that is pounded into peoples heads by the CABAL. There really isn't any CABAL rock, the CABAL music is always top 40 crap.


I suspect that the CABAL or (((they))) don't care about making money, it's about burying or hiding the music that's out there that they don't control.