Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.2724518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4524





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Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.2724529   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Virginia Man Sentenced to Prison for Producing Pornography of Children in the Philippines


Maryland Man Sentenced to a Decade in Prison for Sexually Exploiting 12-Year-Old Girl Over the Internet

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.2724555   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Bromance Is Over: Trump Tells Pompeo Not To Go To North Korea


In a surprising admission from president Trump, two months after his historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, which was widely panned by many of his critics for being too disorganized and abrupt, moments ago Trump tweeted that he had asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to go to North Korea because he feels "we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."




Update on North Korea’s Sohae Satellite Launching Station


Commercial satellite imagery from August 16 of the Sohae Satellite Launching Station, North Korea’s only operational space launch facility, indicates no significant dismantlement activity has taken place at either the engine test stand or the launch pad since August 3.


At the vertical engine test stand, while significant progress in tearing down the facility was made from July to early August, no new dismantlement activity is apparent since August 3. The components previously removed remain stacked on the ground.


On the launch pad, work on the rail-mounted transfer/processing building appears to have stalled. The same parts of the west and north walls that had been previously removed remain stacked on the ground. The gantry tower and assembly building are intact. It is still unclear if this activity is associated with dismantling or modification of the structure.


While activity at the site seems to have slowed down, there has only been a slight reduction in the number (from 11 to 7) of trucks and trailers at the Administrative and Security Headquarters. These vehicles appear to be related to the activities at the engine test stand and launch pad.

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.2724565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5180

Woman Caught Smuggling Enough Fentanyl on a Bus to Kill 1.5 Million People


Authorities in Missouri caught a woman smuggling enough fentanyl to kill 1.5 million people as she traveled from Los Angeles to New York by bus.


Detectives with the Kansas City Police Department approached 33-year-old Evelyn C. Sanchez at a bus station Tuesday where they quickly became suspicious about her reasons for traveling to New York. A K-9 unit soon alerted the detectives to the presence of narcotics in a gray suitcase underneath the bus seat where Sanchez had been sitting, reports the New York Post.


Authorities found two packages wrapped in a large amount of plastic containing more than five pounds of the deadly synthetic opioid fentanyl. Officials with Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) St. Louis Division said the seizure was enough to make roughly “1.5 million lethal doses.” (RELATED: Heroin Dealer Faces Life In Prison After Pleading Guilty To Causing 27 Opioid Overdoses, Including Nine That Proved Fatal)


“We task these interdiction groups with an increasingly difficult task … to seize drugs before they hit the streets of our communities,” said DEA St. Louis Division Special Agent in Charge William Callahan, according to the New York Post. “Today, they made an impact. They kept this poison out of our neighborhoods and potentially saved countless lives.”


Sanchez, who is currently in federal custody, faces a charge of possessing fentanyl with the intent to distribute.


Synthetic opioids like fentanyl killed roughly 27,000 people across the U.S. in 2017, up from roughly 19,413 in 2016 and 9,580 lives in 2015, according to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Overall, drug overdoses are the leading cause of accidental death for Americans under age 50, killing more than 64,000 people in 2016, according to the CDC. Officials say preliminary data shows drug overdoses killed roughly 72,000 people across the U.S. in 2017.


The epidemic is contributing to declining life expectancy in the U.S., officials say. Life expectancy dropped for the second consecutive year in 2016 for the first time since an outbreak of influenza in 1962 and 1963.

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:32 a.m. No.2724589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4797 >>5059 >>5209

BBC: Study claims most of world love vaccines, and fake bots are making the anti vaccine posts.


A new study has shown, and this is NOT FAKE NEWS, that Twitter bots and trolls are to blame for “spreading misinformation” and discord on the topic of vaccines; it’s no longer the fault of the anti-vaxxer because it appears they don’t actually exist! The study was published in the American Journal of Public Health.



Vaxxed TV: James Neuenschwander M.D.


Lead study author David Broniatowski, an assistant professor at George Washington University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science in Washington, D.C. said,


“The vast majority of Americans believe vaccines are safe and effective, but looking at Twitter gives the impression that there is a lot of debate. It turns out that many anti-vaccine tweets come from accounts whose provenance is unclear, including bots or hacked accounts.


Although it’s impossible to know exactly how many tweets were generated by bots and trolls, our findings suggest that a significant portion of the online discourse about vaccines may be generated by malicious actors with a range of hidden agendas.”1


The researchers reviewed more than 250 tweets about vaccination, posted between July 2014 and September 2017, “from accounts linked to the St Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency (IRA),”2 including a random sample of tweets and tweets that specifically mentioned vaccines. Then they used data to identify accounts known to belong to bots or trolls (including “Russian troll” accounts). What they found was that “content polluters” (bot accounts that distribute malware and unsolicited commercial content) shared anti-vaccine messages 75 percent more than average Twitter users. 34

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.2724605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US urges Turkey against buying Russian S-400


The reality of real competition from tech-savvy Russia and NATO’s increasingly visible irrelevance are manifested in the US’ current warning.


or decades, the American military engineers and manufacturing companies boasted having the highest technology and highest weapons quality in the world. While this was the common understanding, the US had little trouble with weapons sales to allied nations.


The “parallel” Soviet systems were usually well-regarded, but also easily ridiculed as being brute force implementations of power that were of vastly inferior quality and technology.

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.2724637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5106

US Hospital Employee Arrested After Sexually Assaulting Corpse


The suspect’s sister cited possible mental issues behind her brother's behavior, but claimed that he is still a good person.


Cameron Wright, a 23-year-old security guard at St. Francis Hospital in Memphis, was arrested for having sex with a dead woman's body in a storage room after being spotted by two witnesses, the Shelby County Sheriff's Office reported. The dead woman was an organ donor and her body was being kept in the fridge for further organ extraction when the security guard sexually assaulted it, according to the police.


Wright was accused of abusing the corpse and admitted the crime. The court has set a bail of $3,000 for the perpetrator.


Wright's sister, interviewed by local WREG-TV, said her brother acted like a "child" in his 23 and that "there's got to be something wrong" with him. She added that he was "still a good person" who just needed help.


The security guard was fired from the hospital, which cited "completely unacceptable" behavior. The father of the 37-year-old deceased victim of the assault said that "it's not fair" that he had to deal not only with his daughter's death, but also with this incident.

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.2724649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5180

Dem Rep Green: Trump Doesn’t Need to Commit a Crime to Be Impeached — 218 House Members Decide


Thursday on “Democracy Now,” Rep. Al Green (D-TX) said President Donald Trump could be impeached without having committed a crime.


Green said, “This is a very sad time in the history of our country. This is not something that I enjoy talking about, nor is it something that I would like to do. But I think it’s becoming increasingly clear that the president will have two options: One, he can resign from office, or, two, he can face impeachment. Impeachment is something that the Framers of the Constitution provided for a time such as this and a president such as Trump. The president does not have to commit a crime to be impeached. In fact, the president is not likely to be indicted, which means he’s not likely to be found guilty of a crime while he’s sitting, which means that if this comes before the House, it won’t come before the House as a president who has been found guilty, but rather as a president who is alleged to have committed certain offenses that are onerous to the Constitution and that harm society. And what this president is doing is harming society.”


He continued, “More specifically, what Mr. Cohen stated in court—he had a lawyer. He is a lawyer. He says that he and the president of the United States conspired. He didn’t use that exact word, but that’s what it means when you say the president directed you, and you followed through. So they conspired to commit an offense. The president may never be found guilty of it, but he can be impeached for it. It’s my opinion that the Judiciary Committee is not doing its job. This whole impeachment investigation is being outsourced. The Framers of the Constitution intended for the Judiciary Committee to do this—gather information, make decisions, move forward. If the Judiciary Committee doesn’t move forward, then I think it’s incumbent upon the 435 members, each of whom have the opportunity to bring articles of impeachment, to consider doing so. I will surely consider doing so.”


He added, “It’s my opinion that you cannot allow an unfit president to continue to cause harm to society. Let’s take just a few examples quickly. When those persons in Charlottesville were saying “blood and soil,” “Jews will not replace us,” many of them worked in places that probably serve Jews and minority persons. One can only imagine what would happen to the food of a person who is of African ancestry who is being served by one of those bigots, one of those racists. Let’s take the example of what happened at the border with those babies that were being separated from their mothers by virtue of a policy instituted by this president. That was a form of bigotry that is intolerable. We don’t have to allow the president to continue to harm our society. The Framers of the Constitution contemplated that there would be a president who would do things even more horrible than this, but also things as horrible as this, such that that president could be removed from office. And the Framers concluded that no person should be above the law and that the president should not be beyond justice. It is justice that we seek for the people of this country, and the president should be impeached. He doesn’t have to commit a crime, only has to have his case brought before the House of Representatives, and 218 people decide that he has committed an impeachable act.”

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.2724669   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bolton Slams Nord Stream 2 Project, Offers EU Israeli Gas, US LNG


Previously, US President Donald Trump expressed his outrage at European countries supporting the Russian Nord Stream 2 project instead of buying more expensive US-made LNG. The president of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said that Europe was ready to buy LNG if it was competitively priced.


The US president's national security advisor, John Bolton, criticized Europe's desire to increasingly "tie itself to Russian energy supplies" by supporting the Nord Stream 2 project during his visit to Ukraine.


"It's not just the economic significance of being heavily dependent on Russia for the supply of natural gas and petroleum, but the strategic significance of it as well," Bolton said.


The US national security advisor presented several solutions for the EU and Ukraine to reduce their dependency on Russian gas. Namely he offered these countries to buy it from Israel or import liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US.


This idea was also earlier voiced by the US president himself. Trump claimed after talks with the EU Commission's president, Jean-Claude Juncker, that Europe would start buying US LNG in exchange for Washington lifting tariffs against European goods. Juncker later noted that Europe would start buying LNG from the US if it was priced more competitively.


US and European leaders have expressed concern that with the start of Nord Stream 2, Russia would abandon its oil pipeline going through Ukraine. The Russian president has assured, first during the Helsinki summit with Trump and later after a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Ukraine would continue to play a role in gas transit from Russia to Europe after the launch of the new pipeline.

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:49 a.m. No.2724728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4839

The Slo-Mo Coup Against Trump Cannot Be Overstated!


Regardless of what you read or hear anywhere in the media — both mainstream and alternative — the midterm election predicament is extremely serious for the Right.


SOTN has written extensively about the very real machinations and plots afoot to outright steal elections nationwide. And that’s the good news. The bad news is that we don’t know what we don’t know about the other secret plans being formulated by George Soros & Company. For example:

The October SURPRISE of 2018 to be Preceded by a September SHOCK & AWE!

Major determining factors for Election Day


The daily melodrama is distracting even the best political analysts and researchers. As a consequence the most obvious realities are being completely ignored…and not being acted on or responded to appropriately. What are these stark realities?

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:53 a.m. No.2724768   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bolton calls on Al-Qaeda to stage more chemical attacks in Syria


In a move that was entirely predictable, the US administration is once again threatening to bomb Syria if there is a “chemical weapons attack”.


This was entirely predictable because that chemical attack script has been read out, with salty crocodile tears, fake concern, and mocked indignation by US talking heads over the years - since 2012, in fact, when former US President Obama himself drew his red line on Syria.


The latest script-reader to toe the chemical hoax line is President Trump's national security adviser, John Bolton, who on August 22, stated: “…if the Syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly and they really ought to think about this a long time.”


Beyond the tattered veil of moral superiority that is US war propaganda, Bolton's words were clearly a very public command to Al-Qaeda and co-extremists to stage yet another fake chemical attack.


Bolton's statement was preceded by an August 21 France-UK-US (FUKUS) joint statement, likewise threatening further illegal bombing of Syria if a chemical attack in Syria occurred (based on evidence the US never has nor needs to reveal).


Recall that the last time they acted on such a threat, in April 2018, the US and its interventionist allies didn't even wait for the Douma lie to be exposed, let alone for any mythical evidence to materialize, before they illegally bombed Syria with 103 missiles. The bombings occurred before the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had a chance to visit the Douma sites in question.


It seems that FUKUS' appetite for destroying Syria wasn't satiated in April 2018, nor in the April 2017 bombings of Syria following unsubstantiated allegations around Khan Sheikhoun, Idlib.


Bolton's assertions are backed by the usual suspects of the corporate media, fake human rights groups, “media activists”, and individuals linked to NATO's Atlantic Council war propaganda think tank.


The over two decades-long dictator of Human Rights Watch (HRW), Ken Roth - who couldn't even discern whether a video was Gaza's Israeli-flattened Shuja'iyya or Syria when he tweeted about it being Aleppo in 2015 - is re-beating the Ghouta 2013 dead horse to scare would-be humanitarians around the world. The Western narrative of events in Ghouta been widely-discredited by journalists, and by the so-called “rebels” themselves.

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.2724819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5180

CIA's Kremlin Spies Suddenly Go Dark


CIA spies operating within the Kremlin have suddenly "gone to ground" according to the New York Times, citing American officials clearly abusing their security clearances.


The officials do not think their sources have been compromised or killed - rather, they've been spooked into silence amid "more aggressive counterintelligence by Moscow, including efforts to kill spies," according to the Times, pointing to the still-unsolved March poisoning of former Russian double-agent Sergei Skripal in the UK.


Curiously, the Times immediately suggests that the lack of intelligence is "leaving the CIA and other spy agencies in the dark about precisely what Mr. Putin's intentions are for November's midterm elections."


But American intelligence agencies have not been able to say precisely what are Mr. Putin’s intentions: He could be trying to tilt the midterm elections, simply sow chaos or generally undermine trust in the democratic process. -NYT


There it is. Of course, buried towards the end of the article is this admission:


But officials said there has been no concrete intelligence pointing to Mr. Putin ordering his own intelligence units to wade into the election to push for a certain outcome, beyond a broad chaos campaign to undermine faith in American democracy.


Meanwhile, "current and former officials" tell the Times that the outing of FBI spy Stefan Halper, who infiltrated the Trump campaign, had a "chilling effect on intelligence collection."

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:05 p.m. No.2724894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4906 >>5016 >>5180

EXPOSED: Corbyn’s ‘Deeply Anti-Semitic’ Comments, Teach ‘Zionists a Lesson’


Jeremy Corbyn had been branded “deeply anti-Semitic” after implying “Zionists” born in the UK are different for other Brits, and saying they need to be taught “lessons, which we could perhaps help them with”.


The hard left Labour leader accused British “Zionists” of having “no sense of English irony despite having lived here all their lives” in footage recorded in 2013 and obtained by the Mail Online.


He made the incendiary speech standing before Islamic extremists at a conference promoted by Hamas’ military wing online. He has previously admitted meeting numerous times with anti-Semitic Hamas terror leaders.


Maajid Nawaz, the counter-extremism campaigner and former government adviser, said “brave Labour MP Margaret Hodge was right” after she accused her leader of being an anti-Semite.


He blasted on Twitter: “She was right all along. Far-left wing-nut [Mr Corbyn] isn’t just ‘soft on anti-semitism’. He. Is. An. Anti-Semite. And he is friends with Hamas jihadist-terror supporting anti-semites.”

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.2724999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5239



Anyone following this know they are trying to send this WW, all carefully scripted. Staged pics ffs WE DON'T BUY THIS SHIT ANYMORE CABAL SHITBAGS


WHO: New Congo Ebola Deaths Jump To 63 As Virus Enters “Red Zone”


The World Health Organization admitted the new Congo Ebola spread had reached the so-called ‘red zone’ of rebel activity where they were unable to monitor it as the death toll jumped to 63 (it was in the low 40s beginning of the week, see our related coverage). There are now more than 100 further confirmed cases and over 2,000 probable contacts as the disease spreads like a whirlwind in an uncontrollable area.




Why does the CDC own a patent on Ebola 'invention?'

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:34 p.m. No.2725159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5186

Genocide of the People of Greece


Paul Craig Roberts


The political and media coverup of the genocide of the Greek Nation began yesterday (August 20) with European Union and other political statements announcing that the Greek Crisis is over. What they mean is that Greece is over, dead, and done with. It has been exploited to the limit, and the carcas has been thrown to the dogs.


350,000 Greeks, mainly the young and professionals, have fled dead Greece. The birth rate is far below the rate necessary to sustain the remaining population. The austerity imposed on the Greek people by the EU, the IMF, and the Greek government has resulted in the contraction of the Greek economy by 25%. The decline is the equivalent of America’s Great Depression, but in Greece the effects were worst. President Franklin D. Roosevelt softened the impact of massive unemployment with the Social Security Act other elements of a social safety net such as deposit insurance, and public works programs, whereas the Greek government following the orders from the IMF and EU worsened the impact of massive unemployment by stripping away the social safety net.


Traditionally, when a sovereign country, whether by corruption, mismanagement, bad luck, or unexpected events, found itself unable to repay its debts, the country’s creditors wrote down the debts to the level that the indebted country could service.

Anonymous ID: 634ef2 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.2725178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5182

Protests Erupt In Afrin After Commander Of Turkish-backed Group Raped Local Woman


On August 24, dozens of civilians and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters protested in the northern Syrian city of Afrin to demand prosecution of “Abu Amshah,” the commander of the Turkish-backed Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade, who was accused of raping a local woman, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).


A day earlier, the victim “Isra’a Yusuf al-Khalil,” who is married to a fighter of the Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade, released a video in which she accused Abu Amshah of raping her three times. According to Isra’a, Abu Amshah threatened that he will execute her husband if she tells anyone about his crime.


Following the protests, the general command of the Turkish-backed “National Army” ordered an investigation into the alleged rape of Isra’a by Abu Amshah. However, local activists viewed the investigation as an attempt to calm down the public opinion and doubted that the commander will be interrogated.


Since its capture by the Turkish military and its proxies, the area of Afrin have been witnessing a wave of crimes that targeted everyone, including fighters of the Turkish-backed FSA. However, Turkey is yet to take any measures to face the deteriorating security situation in the area.