Anonymous ID: 66dd17 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.2724951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And now we know how our judicial system is comped…


–On 2 September, 2010 the Judiciary Engineering and Modernization Center (JEMC) was created- a Federally

Funded Research & Development Center (FFRDC) for the US Judiciary.


–It is managed by the MITRE Corporation (based out of McLean, VA) with this particular FFRDC managed by Paul

Bielski. MITRE manages 5 FFRDCs total:

National Security Engineering Center (Agency: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense)

Center for Advanced Aviation System Development (Agency: Dept. of Transportation)

Center for Enterprise Modernization (Agency: Dept. of the Treasury)

Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute (Dept. of Homeland Security)

JEMC (Agency: Administrative Office of the US Courts)


–The Center for Judicial Informatics, Science and Technology (CJIST) is an extension of JEMC. "It takes a global

focus and works with the worldwide judicial community- including academia and international and

nongovernmental agencies- involved in promoting the rule of law and access to justice, judicial reform and

modernization." Background history sure hints at being a spook… List of FFRDCs only going back to 1995 (been around since WWI and

boomed during/after WWII)


Note to new anons not familiar with FFRDCs- think government deniability on research and development (and deployment) for biochemical weapons, Big Brother spyware (Facebook, Google) and any other crap they want to keep under the radar…


Lots of digging available at the site- I was trying to trace back Facebook/LifeLog when I found this crap.

Anonymous ID: 66dd17 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:49 p.m. No.2725269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5278

Related to LifeLog/Facebook:


In February of 2003, DARPA launched a new surveillance effort called "Total Information Awareness" (TIA) which was renamed to Terrorism Information Awareness sometime around June of 2003. It's "sophisticated software cross-referenced phone calls, internet traffic, bank records and other personal data in an effort to identify potential terrorists."


Congress supposedly shut it down. Just like LifeLog was shut down (but emerged as Facebook the same day).