Anonymous ID: 81c930 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.2725016   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5035 >>5266



you mean this Corbyn, Who was funded by muslim brotherhood - Hamas members?


>Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership campaign was part-funded by a man closely aligned to the terror group Hamas, the Telegraph can reveal.


>The Labour leader made an inaccurate declaration to Parliamentary authorities about the payment which obscured the donor’s true identity.


>Ibrahim Hamami, a vitriolic opponent of the Oslo peace accords and a supporter of the current wave of stabbings of Jews in Israel, gave ÂŁ2,000 to Mr Corbyn in August, one of only three main individual donors to his campaign. Two of the three have now been exposed as supporters of terror.


>Mr Corbyn listed the donation in the Commons register of members’ interests as being from “Dr Ibrahim Hamam”, but Dr Hamami confirmed to the Telegraph on Saturday that he was the donor.


>Mr Corbyn’s spokesman declined to answer questions about the donation or why it had been reported incorrectly. Mr Corbyn has close links with many terrorist groups, including the IRA and Hamas.


Who does this puppet really works for?