Anonymous ID: 92ad71 Limbaugh Transcript Aug. 24, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.2725043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5081 >>5103 >>5227 >>5252


Tellin' you fellers, this is where Q needs to come out when the time to break through comes. Good job to the Rushanon, got 17 on there, too. Cabal with the ear splitting tone, I'm sure... kek!

CALLER: I’ve been a listener since 1990. What I’m calling about is regards to John Huber, the attorney that Sessions appointed instead of a special prosecutor. He appointed him to take care of all the garbage that is Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and all their cronies. This is happening now in states around the United States — Utah, where it’s a red state — where you can empanel a grand jury that will indict. This is my philosophy, anyway, on what’s happening, and I think Trump is allowing all this. I think this fight between Sessions and him is nothing. I think they’re laughing about it on the side. That’s just my view.

RUSH: Wait a minute. Wait just… Let me see if I understand this. You think that Sessions actually is making moves on some of this but not himself? You’re right, he has appointed a lawyer, not a special counsel. He’s appointed something like an inspector general. The guy’s name is [John] Huber, and he is looking at various aspects of what you and I all think is corrupt as hell, Hillary and the emails and all this.

CALLER: Correct. He’s working with the IG as well.

RUSH: Right. Right.

CALLER: And contrary to what, you know, Trump’s always tweeting about 17 bad guys, lawyers that are going up against him —

RUSH: How many did you say? How many bad guys did you say?

CALLER: Seventeen.

RUSH: Seventeen bad guys.

CALLER: That’s right.

RUSH: Did I not tell you? Seventeen bad guys.


RUSH: So Sessions, you think…? I’m running out of time here so “yes” or “no.” You think Sessions and Trump are largely acting out this public disagreement with each other?

CALLER: I’m convinced of it.

RUSH: And that there’s actually some real serious work going on that nobody is…?

CALLER: I’m convinced of it. Yes.

RUSH: Okay. All right. You’re convinced.

CALLER: Totally convinced.

RUSH: “Totally convinced.”

CALLER: I could tell you more but I know you’re up against a break.

RUSH: I really am. I’m up against a break. In fact, I have to take it.

(ear-splitting tone)

RUSH: I wasn’t ready quite then, but I have to take it now. It’s over anyway. What the heck?