Anonymous ID: a40b6b Aug. 24, 2018, 12:01 p.m. No.2724850   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4867 >>4936 >>5134


This has been planned for many years…and is being timed to coincide with the midterms. The media is being gaslit to smell blood in the water…sessions MUST be set up as someone the public can absolutely trust as far as his objectivity goes…and the media MUST think they are on the verge of exploding Trump's corruption…ALL EYES must be focused so that when the move is made, it MUST BE REPORTED and MUST BE UNAMBIGUOUS….this is what they are waiting for…the right time to drop the bomb. We don't know exactly what that is…could be the release of the docs that RR is sitting on, could be an exposition of Mueller, could be something else…but for full effect it is a necessity for things to look like this…it's getting this bad because the deep state is getting desperate….sit tight, anon. We will win.