Anonymous ID: 3b321e Aug. 24, 2018, 2:09 p.m. No.2725869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lololol….all these retarded fucks still talking about impeachment…FOR WHAT?

They tried this already and were laughed out of congress and red-blooded Americans. If not because he is crushing the cabal, what grounds for impeachment?

Adultry? Lol…Bill…JFK. Tweeting mean things? Boo fucking hoo! "Collusion"? Not a single shred of evidence, even so not a crime. Obstruction? Sessions…Mueller…Rosenstein…hello.

What the fuck reason for impeachment?

None…just keep saying impeachment without a reason and the mongoloid retarded fucking sheep of America shout "yay!". Civil war is coming.