Anonymous ID: d1ca87 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.2725709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5771 >>5785 >>5789 >>5799 >>5961


Nasim fag was originally just one Anon who began posting pics of her within a day or two of the YouTube shooting. I gathered that he had combed thru or channel and/or website and really came to appreciate her.


So the Nasim posts began as a sort of tribute. Some anons thought she was cool, others did not. Then somebody posted "she is pretty" and so it became tradition that at last one person must post "she is pretty" in honor of Nasim, but more importantly (in my mind, anyway) as a sort of tribute to the original Nasim fag who shared one night in late bread that he is a Vet suffering from PTSD (iraq, I think?) and that finding and posting pics of Nasim brought hime some comfort.


From that point on, Anons understood our resident Nasim fag and let him post Nasim without hassling him.


The unspoken rule is that we simply say,

"She is pretty."


And she is.