Anonymous ID: 58c595 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:29 p.m. No.2726628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6671

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is an out-of-control, raging bull, set loose in President Donald Trump’s china shop. It seems that no one can stop Mueller, making conservatives wonder if this political inquisition will ever end.


Of course, it never should have started in the first place. By now, we all know the story. The entire Mueller matter is a carefully-planned coup against the government of the United States that none of the conspirators ever thought would be uncovered.


It didn’t start as a coup — but a dirty plan to take down the Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency. When it didn’t work and the anticipated whitewash of the entire matter by President Hillary Clinton never came to fruition, the skulking rats went running, looking for the best way off their sinking ship.


But some of those who were in on the plot weren’t ready to give up on getting rid of Trump after it failed. During the candidate stage of the conspiracy, there were some “just in case” plans ready to take Trump down in the unlikely and unthinkable event that he could, somehow, win the election.


In the legal world, there is a doctrine known as, “The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree.” This colorful legal metaphor describes what happens when a poisonous seed is planted by the government. It grows into a poisonous tree and all the fruit it bears is poisonous.


In the metaphor, a poisonous seed is an illegal search warrant and the poisonous tree grows from it. The poisonous fruit is what the government harvests from the tree to use against their targets. But the fruit they pick and use, being poisonous, makes anything the tainted fruit provides the government also poisonous.


Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel is poisonous, having come from the fruit of the poisonous tree. It was illegal. Everything he has done as Special Prosecutor is illegal. His investigations are all illegal, his warrants, seizures, surveillance, interviews, arrests, imprisonments, convictions, and everything else he has done as Special Prosecutor is illegal.