Anonymous ID: 9699c9 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:21 p.m. No.2726562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6570

>>2725886 lb

Who the fuck are you? You fucking loser. This is OUR board too. Who the fuck made you the Qresearch board monitor? We were here before you, before coming to the chans was "cool". We can post Nasim if we want. You don't like it, you can post your shit too. I generally ignore anti-Nasim shills but your taking ownership of this board pisses me off. You remind me of all the newfags that wanted this board to be "respectable". Cocksuckers. If it bothers you that much go back to FB where you belong. Nasimfags have been very respectful of this board and using her memes rather sparingly. This is one of the cleanest boards on the chans because of the mutual respect of the anons, not because of suckwads like you telling us what to do. FYS then go KYS.