Anonymous ID: a3dcbd Aug. 24, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.2726869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm not convinced that Adolf Hitler was a bad guy. Sure there are things that I might disagree with him about, his socialist tendancies give me the willies, and his mustache is retarded, but I reject any inference that he actually killed six gorzillion jews (although the longer I live I discover that maybe I wish he actually did).


From what I can see, he was actually a somewhat reasonable bloke, albeit probably a bit too leftist for my tastes. Here's a quote:"The state is a means to an end. Its end lies in the preservation and advancement of a community of physically and spiritually similar beings. This preservation comprises first of all existence as a race, and thereby permits free development of all the forces dormant in this race. […] For in the long run systems of government are not maintained by the pressure of force, but by faith in their soundness and in the truthfulness with which they represent and advance the interests of a people."


My question is, what's the current definition of a Nazi? Someone who opposes the Jewish program of cultural degradation? Sign me up. As a white American male I will not grovel or apologize for who I am, or for what my beloved forefathers did to provide and build the greatest civilization that has ever existed. Western Civilization - Christendom. It is up to you Jews to decide - are you going to join our civilization, or remain barbarians? Because that is what you are if you continue to infiltrate and try to tear down this great country. You've been kicked out of over a hundred countries before - we'll let you stay if you just knock off the bullshit. But continue to try to overthrow us, and you'll see the wrath of the Anglo-Saxon, per Kipling. And there will be no mercy, as before.