important to learn their language —- try using Letters & Numbers ~ Gematria
Zack is a truth teller of a different sort gematriafag. He shows us how to connect the dots using their secret language of numbers . Mind boggling but his videos when you know the shit goes on, it's easier to see what he is showing us, how they communicate, even various deaths of stars are exposed as having illuminati influence. The day they have to pay the piper so to speak.
Zack has written an amazing book as reported by another QAnon the other day, in PDF form currently available thru esty,$7. can be copied he said he just hopes people will learn.
this link is to his latest vid about the death of robin leach, about 3 minutes a sample calculating the words to get the real message of the language. he has hundreds more, recent ones are relative to current events
Information about Zack introduction to gematria as well as a gematria calculator in drop down menu
This, his story on the visit he received about 5 days ago from the FBI. They have even forbid this guy from teaching which is what his education is just for disclosing how to read their comms
Includes a click on link to purchase his book, as well as an index on right side to his other excellent videos. I came across Zack when he was doing sports mostly basketball and how the chams and winning teams can be calculated with gematria. Made my head swim