Anonymous ID: f35931 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:26 p.m. No.2726611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6623

Imagine you’re a low level bad guy within the global trafficking network. You work locally, maybe you’re part of a crew of guys whose job it is to go out and track down kids to abduct, then hand them off to some unknown buyer for a few grand and never think about it again until the next buyer comes along. You have a few contacts of people you report to, but you know hardly anything about them.


Now, because of the EO declaring a national emergency (and other reasons), POTUS has full authority to deploy military assets to capture people like you on US soil.


So now imagine you and your crew are chilling at your pad one night when out of nowhere, from all sides and with overwhelming force, a FUCKING TEAM OF US NAVY SEALS IN FULL BATTLE GEAR comes busting in, takes you down and throws a bag over your head before taking you off to some black site where torture the shit out of you until you give up everything and everyone you know.


Just a comfy thought I had…