Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 4, 2018, 10:38 p.m. No.273081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3110


In the resources library thread here, there's a post with a ton of links you can use to search corporate info, from the Secretary of States' websites - directors, registered agent, date of incorporation - the whole bit. All for free (public info)

Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 4, 2018, 10:46 p.m. No.273124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3171 >>3560


I'll have to figure something out for Comey…

>Cement made with urine?

>is a thing?

Antifa regularly throw bottles filled with cement, bags of urine and feces (and who knows what else) at people, typically boys in blue. They're disgusting degenerates.



>Imagine the riots if HRC or BHO were arrested tomorrow…

It's our job to get them to the point where they won't burn the entire city down. They'll still be pissed, and that 4-6% (not including the paid ones) will go apeshit, but the rest, we can coax over to some semblance of sanity. Big job? Seemingly almost impossible to accomplish?


But POTUS believes we can do it.


>100% disclosure is not gonna turn out well.

There can't and will not be 100% disclosure. It's not feasible. It will not be enough for some, and too much for others. /ourguys/ will have to decide how much, and everyone will be unhappy to some degree, which is how it always is with big decisions by leadership.

Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 4, 2018, 11:01 p.m. No.273186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3237


Well that's all that can be done. If the company is active on the Secy of State website, then it's active, period. Thank you for doing due diligence.



>What can we do to get out front of the Grassley Memo?

Well, this part of his statement is a bit confusing

< potential violations of 18 U.S.C. § 1001 for false statements investigators have reason to believe Steele made about the distribution of claims contained in the dossier.

I'm not clear if Steele gave "false statements" to the press, the FBI or a committee?

This makes me think it was to the FBI:

<“Everyone needs to follow the law and be truthful in their interactions with the FBI. "


The money quote/part for us is this:

>If the same actions have different outcomes, and those differences seem to correspond to partisan political interests, then the public will naturally suspect that law enforcement decisions are not on the up-and-up. Maybe there is some innocent explanation for the inconsistencies we have seen, but it seems unlikely.

And this

>The rule of Law depends on the government and all who work on its behalf playing by the rules themselves. I hope the Department of Justice will carefully review our letter and take appropriate action,” Graham said.



Steele LIEd to the FBI. FBI didn't check/didn't care. Steele being referred to DOJ after being swatted on the nose for ignoring "inconsistencies" and "missing many stopsigns" the two Senators "hope the DOJ" will take it seriously this time (and also FBI Dir Wray)

In other words, we're giving you a 2nd chance, don't fuck it up. If you don't investigate, and appoint a Special Counsel, the American people will know you are fuckwads who are crooked as hell.

ALSO - giving both FBI Dir Wray (TRUST WRAY) the opportunity to use the info to nail some dirty agents, and Sessions to do the same in the DOJ.

Ball is in their court.

Now we see why we are to



Sessions' recusal from the RussiaRussiaRussia hype was strategic; "spat" between POTUS & Sessions was manufactured (intentional fake news) to add a layer/buffer between the two.

Wray's recent memos & statements are for the same reason.


The stage is set.

Can you hear the orchestra warming up?

Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 4, 2018, 11:05 p.m. No.273201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3216


You know you've been on here too many times during pelicanfuckery when you see

>Politicians and people are their hostages

And you see it as

>Pelicans and people are their hostages

Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 4, 2018, 11:13 p.m. No.273238   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That RFP was from 6/2017, but I doubt the reason for the expansion that they state outright (MILDEC).


We have FEMA camps for that shit. We put the Japanese in camps on CONUS, we can do it again, just while they process out. Queen Anne postulates we have about 30m illegals here, so GITMO is not going to be sufficient for those. Maybe they are thinking of the "refugees"? I doubt it b/c it would cause an international shitstorm.

Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 4, 2018, 11:22 p.m. No.273284   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Historical note- actually the thumb down meant they could live, the thumb up meant death (opposite meaning nowadays)



Apparently my thang is typing a lot :/

jk, will get memeing!



So the problem is that employees of Cabinet Secretaries aren't following instructions and coordinating with others well enough & need to be fired? Or is this another "anonymous sources who know someone who also gets their hair cut at the same barber shop over heard someone talking about their neighbor who heard it over the fence" type story?

Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 4, 2018, 11:29 p.m. No.273312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3333


>Antifa is being called out by name on police scanners

Since they've officially been designated a terrorist outfit, consequences are going to be a lot different for them now. Yes, including Soros and everyone up and down the chain in between.

Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 4, 2018, 11:37 p.m. No.273359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3372 >>3496


That may be why this >>273317 is happening. They may have been told to hang back so video (better) evidence can be taken, to make extra sure the terrorism charges stick and can be stuck on all the minions up the chain.

Sometimes you have to let the crime occur (NYC bomber, train wreck with the garbage truck) in order to really fuck the perpetrators extra hard with no lube later.

Maybe GITMO will suit these pAntyfa-types better than Mommy's basement?

They won't have a choice either way.

Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 5, 2018, 2:22 a.m. No.273640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3645 >>3652 >>3653


>There's also lots of dual meanings and the problem is the answers on the spreadsheet are locked. As if "We KNOW what it means!" and there's nothing more to add.

Hi there. You might be new and therefore don't understand, but the reason the spreadsheet is locked is because a psycho was threatening to delete ALL the answers anons worked so hard to input. And do that on every single spreadsheet I set up in the future, out of spite (and psychosis).

So NO - the spreadsheet is not locked out of arrogance, but the preservation of what anons have found so far. If it was up to me, it would be open for input & participation today and always.

This was the best I could do under the circumstances.


If you have a better solution, please offer it.

Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 5, 2018, 2:29 a.m. No.273651   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It really was the only choice. I really, really wish all anons could participate because I cannot, can NOT possibly get all or even most of the great info that anons find and put in here and the dedicated topic threads (meatspace is demanding also), so sadly a lot gets missed. I've also been helping out with memes lately, too.


I hope everyone has noticed that the smartsheet spreadsheet is expired and the new link is for Gulag docs sheet (the very last choice on the list really, really wanted to avoid) but at least it won't expire. So that's something good at least.


The new spreadsheet link should be in the OP

Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 5, 2018, 2:38 a.m. No.273667   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What is wrong with a board.

tbqh, that seems like it would take a lot more time - time I don't actually have atm… Not that it is a truly terrible idea, it's just something I cannot personally do or commit to right now.



I think you don't understand still. The entire spreadsheet is locked - all rows, all columns, again, not to shut answers out but because of psycho-boy. AFAIK, I don't have a way to selectively add editing capabilities (like add only, not delete). That was not an option on the smartsheet (which is expired anyway - new one is at the link in the OP).


And I am not happy with all the answers either - no one will be, and we most likely won't know all of the correct answers ever. The posts where all of the answers were filled in with very high confidence have a written summary, both of Q's post (questions turned to statements, a genius way to present the info IMO - ty to pdffag) and a summary of the answers. Obviously many are not answered completely, and there are a good many that have many divergent answers input.


It's the best anyone has come up with as far as a way to allow the world to see ALL the posts, with as many answers as possible (even seeing all the different opinions), worldwide, on demand for FREE. And - anyone can download and work on their own, if they want to change answers, organization, or go in a totally different direction!


I don't have any other ideas right now…

Anonymous ID: 243990 Feb. 5, 2018, 2:44 a.m. No.273687   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>a Learning AI that can infiltrate the far reaches of the internet including the dark web

NSA already gets all sigint, all of it. They have programs that can process it, re-arrange it, etc.

Sentinel something