Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 4, 2018, 10:18 p.m. No.272946   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is an important question. Someone needs to talk to staff at the Standard, but very discreetly since you could end up dead if you are noticed.

What is room 329 and what is nearby. If people left their phones in Room 239 then where might they have been meeting. Maybe it is a private heated pool room? Maybe a room with a large circular bed for orgies?

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 4, 2018, 10:28 p.m. No.273015   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He was showing subservience to the Zionists who are the Israeli Deep State. And he was trying to undermine President Netanyahu who leads the Likud party, a Conservative party opposed to the Zionists. At the event, Netanyahu made a comment about the wall that Israel built to keep out the terrorists in case they did not stay away as the Pope PRAYed they would. Then the Pope invited Palestinians and Israelis to meet face to face with him as mediator but he invited Shimon Peres the outgoing leader as a snub to Netanyahu.


Remember, the satanist wolf always comes to you first in sheep's clothing to deceive you. When you let down your guard, he pounces on his PREY.


Hope the capitalized words have given you some enlightenment

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 4, 2018, 10:32 p.m. No.273038   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is sort of what RINGMASTER means. He is orchestrating the show,making sure all the players are doing their part, keeping the supply of baby blood and organs and kiddie prostitutes flowing like clockwork


You know there is a fool born every minute and two to take him. That means you better be the meanest and the smartest or the other guy will get the prize

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 4, 2018, 10:34 p.m. No.273053   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree. You and your whining friends are LOSERS!!! Get of the fucking board you nigger and go to bed with your dirty kike cunt. Leave us in peace

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 4, 2018, 10:36 p.m. No.273063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3079


Fucking hell are you dense you twat. Go back up to the top of the bread and read the notice about the QMAP. You fucking Mexican whore. Learn some English. Learn to read!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 4, 2018, 10:52 p.m. No.273151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3179



Anons, please. Why the question about membership. These are satanists,remember. They are completely open about their membership.


ONE has 1 member named Bono. Just read the name again, its not that hard.


And what about RED. Is it about AIDS and a cure for HIV? No it is about red stuff. Blood. Red blood from young people. The stuff that the elite inject and drink.

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 4, 2018, 11:03 p.m. No.273196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3213



The thing is that Africa is a really really big place. They have good weather and lots of resources of all kinds. Why do they need white folk like Bono to save them? Why do they need American and European companies to feed them like Coca-Cola and Monsanto? Doesn't Africa have its own native drinks they can use? Even Russia has it's own native Kvas so no need to buy Coke or Pepsi. And many African plants produce natural insecticides and repellents. Why do they need Monsanto? A continent with that much natural riches should be producing its own stuff. In Somalia on the Equator they should have a Lunar launch station sending rockets up to build the Moon colony. That is where humanity came from in the nearby Olduvai gorge. That is where we should leap to the heavens.


And there is no reason why some white people and Asian people should not be involved too. After all the UK has people almost as small as pygmies and they are tired of being jockeys all the time. Southeast asia also has some small people. So an African space colony program can be inclusive too. Just not any of those tall Illuminati types. The Adlers and their progeny like James Comey. Chop down the beanstalk if you seem them climbing up tro heaven

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 5, 2018, 1:41 a.m. No.273576   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is like the satanic pope kissing the hands of Jewish survivors of the Nazi holocaust that was financed by the Vatican. It is the wolf in sheep's clothing PRAYing for you so that you trust him. Then when your back is turned he will tear of his mask and pounce on his PREY.


Scalise should take extra precautions now because he has been targeted by Bono, the satanic priest. In fact all Republican politicians should take this threat from Bono seriously. The gods do not like it when their pawns fail to roll over and die

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 5, 2018, 2:02 a.m. No.273613   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q said that they never thought she would lose.


As a result they made a lot of plans and preparations for the reign of Empress Hillary. Some in the political area, others in the Ministry of Entertainment which you sheep call Hollywod, the music industry and pro sports. By now many have noticed the music industry is letting loose with satanic symbolism all over the place to get us used to the idea that Satan is powerful, we are sheep, but that is OK as long as we can party and fuck our brains out. And when you are too old to party, say 40yp or so, well the cannibal restaurants need a meat supply, and the natural environment needs fertilizer to be restored for the hunting pleasures of the LORDS.


It might be especially instructive to look at Hollywood works. They were written and planned and some even filmed before Empress Hillary was denied her rightful place. Not just movies, but especially TV series because they allow a longer story to be told with characters that you have time to get familiar with, almost as friends. You see, MKUltra programming is costly, so if some form of mind control can be programmed into your skull via TV, the cabal will be filled with joy and sacrifice some extra babies to Lord Moloch.


The gods do realize that some people are OTHERS and will not accept the programming but a solution for that has been found as well. You can see that in the most recent episode of Philip K Dick's Electric Sheep. Marvell's Runaways gets into much Illuminati business portraying the satanists all smiling in white clothes like Lucifer of the UN agency Lucis Trust. Star Trek Discovery messes with your mind by yanking you into alternative universes and divulging some of the less well known details of how to do MKUltra mind control programming and install a Manchurian candidate in your mind. I'm sure some people will be trying this at home, but be warned, it is not that hard to shatter a mind, but putting the pieces back together into a functional being requires serious psychological skills.


But seriously, take a look at things released in 2017 and even now, because they still think that Trump can be impeached or overthrown violently. Once you are familiar with a couple of examples and can see the patterns, this is a good way to red pill other without mentioning Trump or Hillary or baby sacrifice. Just focus on the mind fuckery, the Hollywood moguls who financed it all, and their well known perversions, sex abuse etc. Do we really want to accept their ideas and expose our kids to them without protection? If you can get aquaintenances discussing the mind fuckery with their kids then you will have succeeded in red pilling them.


Don't worry, they will come to understand and accept Trump as the SOTU plans come to fruition

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 5, 2018, 2:06 a.m. No.273622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3626 >>3655


This is confusing and hard to understand. Are you saying that this is a limited hangout and the whole thing was Soros funded?


If you don't understand what I asked, start by googling this:


Limited hangout

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 5, 2018, 2:18 a.m. No.273637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3642 >>3646



I wonder if Trump and the Q team is behind those Cicada crypto puzzles on the net a while back. It is clear that we are seeing the work of some serious secret agents who infiltrated the Illuminati at many layers in many countries and collected information. Perhaps even stole/replaced some of the blackmail files.


That would explain how the Q group is so comfortable with many different tradecraft techniques. I get the impression that they are not just teaching us these techniques, they are also evaluating which ones work best in an open source environment. Remember that the founder of Blackwater seriously proposed replacing the CIA with open source intelligence techniques.


We are benefiting from many years of preparation. Those of us who have been looking into conspiracy theories for a while know that there are an awful lot of ex CIA, FBI and military folks that have been whistleblowing about this. Some have died mysteriously, others protect themselves better. And I am sure there are many who are working with the others but never speak publicly. Now that Trump is POTUS, there are 100s of NSA, NCIS and MI folk that are also working on this. We are part of a big team even if the Q group is less than 10 people.

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 5, 2018, 2:29 a.m. No.273652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3667


What is wrong with a board. You create all the items as messages, and people use reply to add explanations. Only you can edit and delete. When an item is done and no more explanation is needed, mark it somehow so we know not to add any more. If shills start to add junk you can lock it all until they go away.


Wikis can work roughly the same

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 5, 2018, 2:38 a.m. No.273668   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The problem is that there is not enough train traffic. If there was 10 times more traffic, then the USA would invest in double tracking all the major routes so there were fewer switch point that cause risk. And it would be affordable to have the switchpoints manned by a human guard like they do in Russia at all switches and level crossings. There, the guard raises a flag to give the engine driver all clear, otherwise they stop/slow down. They may even use binoculars to check the flags because I have seen these guards standing by a gate holding up a flag for quite a while.


It all comes down to infrastructure and how important it is.


If the nation owns the tracks and maintains them then Amtrak and other companies can pay to use them in the same way that we pay to drive cars on the highways.

Anonymous ID: 7d63a6 Feb. 5, 2018, 2:45 a.m. No.273688   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe this is when MI realized that the cabal are stupid, and might be easier to take down he originally thought. They still invited Trump on board so that it would not be a military coup