Q said that they never thought she would lose.
As a result they made a lot of plans and preparations for the reign of Empress Hillary. Some in the political area, others in the Ministry of Entertainment which you sheep call Hollywod, the music industry and pro sports. By now many have noticed the music industry is letting loose with satanic symbolism all over the place to get us used to the idea that Satan is powerful, we are sheep, but that is OK as long as we can party and fuck our brains out. And when you are too old to party, say 40yp or so, well the cannibal restaurants need a meat supply, and the natural environment needs fertilizer to be restored for the hunting pleasures of the LORDS.
It might be especially instructive to look at Hollywood works. They were written and planned and some even filmed before Empress Hillary was denied her rightful place. Not just movies, but especially TV series because they allow a longer story to be told with characters that you have time to get familiar with, almost as friends. You see, MKUltra programming is costly, so if some form of mind control can be programmed into your skull via TV, the cabal will be filled with joy and sacrifice some extra babies to Lord Moloch.
The gods do realize that some people are OTHERS and will not accept the programming but a solution for that has been found as well. You can see that in the most recent episode of Philip K Dick's Electric Sheep. Marvell's Runaways gets into much Illuminati business portraying the satanists all smiling in white clothes like Lucifer of the UN agency Lucis Trust. Star Trek Discovery messes with your mind by yanking you into alternative universes and divulging some of the less well known details of how to do MKUltra mind control programming and install a Manchurian candidate in your mind. I'm sure some people will be trying this at home, but be warned, it is not that hard to shatter a mind, but putting the pieces back together into a functional being requires serious psychological skills.
But seriously, take a look at things released in 2017 and even now, because they still think that Trump can be impeached or overthrown violently. Once you are familiar with a couple of examples and can see the patterns, this is a good way to red pill other without mentioning Trump or Hillary or baby sacrifice. Just focus on the mind fuckery, the Hollywood moguls who financed it all, and their well known perversions, sex abuse etc. Do we really want to accept their ideas and expose our kids to them without protection? If you can get aquaintenances discussing the mind fuckery with their kids then you will have succeeded in red pilling them.
Don't worry, they will come to understand and accept Trump as the SOTU plans come to fruition