Might change "has just" to "could".
Would be factual and still get the msg across.
Just my take.
Might change "has just" to "could".
Would be factual and still get the msg across.
Just my take.
On point!
Last bread had loads. I'm technologically impaired on a tablet or I'd liink some over. My apologies.
I'm sorry I saw it the first time.
I've been stupid drunk before, but even then I've never done anything more Stoopid than pissing off the biggest guy around. Kek
I actually doubt the shadow powers instigated this. This is what happens when you mad dogs get off the leash.
Don't see how it serves them.
Just had a thought;
This is a show of force "reminder", a last attempt to get GEOTUS to BTFO.
Sadly for them…it will fail.
Bikes are disposable. Dmg to vehicles is pricey.
Actually I don't think they will riot as much if the case is layed out correctly. Issue is still MSM. That's gotta be fixed to keep it as low as possible.
Tho our work is not insignificant in getting the narrative changed.
Thx will search more. :)