Anonymous ID: 174326 Aug. 24, 2018, 7:57 p.m. No.2729040   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In 1973, my first in the Navy, many sailors were getting tattoos right out of boot camp because, hell, that's what sailors did. A popular thing at the time was getting a tat of your home state, e.g. Texas, California, Florida, etc. This one dumbfuck gets a tattoo of Wyoming. A big green square, so dark you could barely read the black lettering which was needed otherwise you wouldn't know what the fuck you were looking at.

Anyway, we're in school and one old salty Chief gives us a fatherly talk. He cautions every one against running out and getting all inked up without giving any forethought. He then rolls up his sleeves which revealed forearms covered with demonic looking creatures licking the pussies of nude women among other things.

He asked "Do you want to go through life looking like a goddamned sailor?"

I'm ink-free to this day.