Anonymous ID: 26a25b Aug. 24, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.2728797   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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The Dirt on Assad of Syria?


What you will find…


Assad met with Juan Carlos numerous times including in 2003, 2004, as well as 2010 soon before the conflict in Syria started. Assad was also knighted by the Spanish Bourbons Italian cousins the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies which was "revoked." Assad is working with the House of Bourbon, House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and a branch of the Russian House of Romanov which migrated to Spain. Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia and Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia live in Spain. The Bourbons are also heavily intermarried with the Hasburgs which ruled Eastern Europe for centuries and currently control Eastern European-Russian mafia factions. Assad is willingly playing the bad guy and allowing Western and Russian mercenaries along with Muslim militants to carry out real and fake attacks while Assad willingly takes the blame in the media. This is all to create an excuse to bomb Syria so they can control Route M5 which leads into Israel for the purpose of controlling the human trafficking into Israel. Aleppo is on Route M5. There are Jordanian mercenaries in Syria working with Bourbon-Habsburg controlled mafias in Eastern Europe. Both King Felipe VI of Spain and King Abdullah II of Jordan went to Jesuit Georgetown. Who ever controls the human trafficking network into Israel has leverage over the criminals running Israel. The King of Spain holds the official title of King of Jerusalem. The Bourbon-Habsburgs have been the ones originally controlling this criminal network. They orchestrated the civil war with Assad who allowed Islamic militants from the region to come into Syria to destabilize the nation with war and conflict as a disguise to enable human trafficking. The competitors of the Bourbon-Habsburg faction are trying to take over Syria and using their plot against them. Gadi Eizenkot the chief of the IDF is covertly allied with Bourbon-Habsburg mafias. The Russian Mafia in Brighton Beach, NY pay tributes to the Lucchese crime family which are owned by the Lucchesi-Palli noble family of Sicily, Tuscany, and Austria where the Habsburgs ruled. Michael Cherney is a Russian immigrant in Israel and businessman who sponsors the Intelligence Summit which is an international conference for intelligence leaders. Michael Cherney has suspected ties with the Russian Mafia. Arcadi Gaydamak is a Russian billionaire Jew with citizenship in Israel, Russia and France. Arcadi Gaydamak was involved in illegal arms dealing with Angola. There are Russian gangsters and corrupt Russian businessmen with political influence and wealth in Israel.


Leonid Nevzlin is a Russian born Israeli who worked as a top executive for Yukos a Russian oil company and has been investigated for tax evasion and fraud and investigated by Russia under Putin. Sergey Aksyonov is Prime Minister of Crimea and has numerous ties with organized crime and the mafia known as Salem. Aksyonov is politically backed by Vladimir Putin and part of the United Russia Party. Putin is not allied with the Romanov and Bourbon factions. Vladimir Putin is allied with the House of Grimaldi which knighted him and he has met with Prince Albert II of Monaco numerous times. The Grimaldis which run Monaco and originated in Genoa are allied with the Pallavicini family which have connections to Russia. Giancarlo Pallavicini was a recent Russian economist that worked for the Soviet government. The Pallavicini family are a Genoese nobility. The Grimaldis are covertly working under the House of Savoy which are rivals with the Spanish Crown and also have ruled in Genoa. Prince Albert II of Monaco is a Knight of the Savoy's Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy is also a claimant to the title of King of Jerusalem. Russia and the House of Grimaldi have worked together for centuries through Gazarian colonies managed by Jewish bankers in the Black Sea region and Crimea. Putin is connected with organized crime in Crimea and specifically the crime group called Salem. The dominant criminal factions in the UK are allied with the Savoys. The Savoy-Grimaldi faction along with the Spencer-Churchills Aegis mercenaries and the Windsors Control Risks are the primary ones behind the false flag chemical attacks in Syria. Prince Andrew Romanov is a rival with his relative Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna and he grew up in the UK and lives in the US. Prince Nicholas Romanov of Russia lived at the Savoy royal palace for a period of time during WWII. The Savoys have greater political and military control over France through subservient French noble families working in the French government. …


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