Anonymous ID: 34d7fc Aug. 24, 2018, 7:39 p.m. No.2728865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9015


>>2727966 (pb)

>Jordan Peterson (aka: Juden Peterstein) is a long-con Anti-White, pro-jewish id politics subversive

>>2728455 (pb)

>Yep. Thought he was a distraction by the time YouTube constantly recommended his videos, although I never watched any of his crap

>>2728033 (pb)

>he must be popular in liberal circles

>>2728093 (pb)

>he must be popular in liberal circles

>>2728107 (pb)

>he must be popular in liberal circles

>>2727811, >>2727977 Jordan Peterson digs (pb)



>Kek. I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree with the tag team check this vid bro fags. hundreds of hours of content. you could find a quote of Peterson saying anything..


Exactly, a tag team of glowing anti Peterson clowns, all circle jerking one another


>>2727811, >>2727977 Jordan Peterson digs




The same white socialist brats come thru here about once a week with the same worn out ad hominem Peterson attacks.

It is NOT Qresearch related and certainly NOT NOTABLE. In fact, its exactly the kind of divisive shill tactic that Q always warns us about.


ONCE AGAIN: It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to recognize that Jordan Peterson is still asleep on a number of issues regarding the dangers of globalism. I understood that the first time I heard him praise Bill Gates for his "humanitarianism"! But, the stuff that he gets RIGHT (see video) is so profoundly important to the future of Western Civilization, it is self-evident from this short clip that he is already AWAKE to the dangers of global communism.