Anonymous ID: 6e2c35 Aug. 24, 2018, 8:12 p.m. No.2729206   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Yup. Since 1967 all planned. DJT is NOT a billionaire, he's a long-term deep cover operator :-) Of course he'd go…he'd WANT to go…on the planes that is. He likes planes anyway doesn't he? I guess I might have ridden in someone's car and that person turned out to be a thief. I do know we bought our first house from a very nice old couple that were moving to Florida. Well, about six months after we were settled the guy over the road suddenly dropped this BOOM


"You all know that 'John' was a pedophile, right?" 'John' being the husband of the couple we bought the house from. But wait, it gets worse…the last bit of abuse and the one he got done for? The little girl…our NEXT door neighbors. KABOOM. That family moved just before we found out and the neighbors and that mom and dad had all agreed NOT to tell us until they moved out their little girl was terrified of the backyard, pool, garage, shed…yeah you know…ugh. She was seven.


Anyway so we looked on-line and sure enough there he was and still is a registered sex offender in Florida! fucking hell m8 I shook his hand and played with his little maltese terrier. ugh so apparently the deal was gtfo of state or we'll come down on you. So they decided to go to Fla. And THAT explains the bargain we got lol cos at the time they almost bit our hand off when we made an offer and we were the first. Bad bad bad we scrubbed that house (again I might add I'm a bit particular about hygiene as is) and got a local Catholic priest to come and conduct an exorcism and blessing and a consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


So he did and he went into every room and all round the outside and even on the roof everywhere throwing holy water made the real way (1962) and tossing blessed salt itself. Terrific material for the "Catholicism is just re-worked paganism" crowd. Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Absolutely top kek. Got the incense going as well I can tell you house smelled fantastic for days. Love frankincense.


I can understand POTUS cleansing the WH I can tell you.


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