Anonymous ID: a47772 Aug. 24, 2018, 7:51 p.m. No.2728980   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9012 >>9096 >>9098

Trump is out of options. I voted for him but regret it. He's been lying to us. Sorry if this reads like a shill. It was Q infact who inspired me to pray for truth and justice. Instead, I found out that none of this stuff is true. Q actually is a fucking a psyop. Sorry. Go ahead and ignore "shills" you can stay in your matrix. Since when has anything good ever come out of the chans?


General Flynn Sr. knows all about counter insurgencies. You can find articles on it. He and his son, junior, started the company "Flynn Intelligence Group." Jr. started pizzagate. Robert Mercer (funded Trump) and Jim Simons (funded Hillary) started the most successful hedge fund in history by applying machine learning and AI to market trades. With Cambridge Analytica they applied that same toolset to mining Facebook social and regional data. The campaign was a micromanaged psyop, classic divide and conquer used.


Go look this shit up. Or keep buying Q shirts and pretending like only leftists and neolibs are these people posting like this.