Anonymous ID: f2a521 Aug. 24, 2018, 7:29 p.m. No.2728765   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ok listen man, I TOTALLY speak with respect AND, I don't have an axe to grind, or even an overriding desire to win an argument, so please, hear me out and just consider…ok?

It seems like you're coming from the "Replacement" theology camp…which, for the sake of sliding and other issues, I don't want to get into a long drawn out "back & forth" session! But here's the thing, when someone say's something like: "They killed Jesus", I know right away, you (again very respectfully noting) are off base! You've got to take all of Scripture into context! The "Jews" didn't murder Jesus…WE DID! WE ALL DID! Every last human being that ever drew breath, including prior to His birth…killed Jesus! The Jews that rejected Him WERE used by God as an instrument…but Jesus put HIMSELF on that cross for all of us! Your zeal is a good thing, but man, you can't used The Word of God like a salad bar…pick and choose…you've got to take it as an all or nothing prospect! If you don't understand God's Love for the Nation and the Land of Israel…you're missing the whole picture! When you stand against Israel, you ARE standing against The Most HIgh God! We don't need to get into the evil "the Jews" have done…there are good and decent Jews and there are monster Jews…just like there are good and decent Irish (insert any nationality) folk and there are monster Irish folk - the interesting case with the Jews is that there IS a synagogue of satan…they're bad! I grew up in a suburb of Los Angeles…I went to school with Jews…good people and I've experienced many that without doubt should and probably are classified or numbered in the synagogue of satan…you can't throw the baby out with the bath water here! Read your Bible in it entirety again…no way can you (while maintaining intellectual integrity) deduce that God has given up on Israel!