Anonymous ID: 0107f8 Aug. 24, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.2729761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9769

>>2729225 pb

Not even the same thread, this was a dedicated Jew-related thread that I'm talking about from 2 months ago. BO knows what I'm talking about as he was in that same general bread at the time and was attempting to remain objective in the matter, that was one of several attempts to clear up general of fluff posts. Back when faggot fungus was BV, the dude kept getting banned and he resorted to IP-hopping to continue his warpath of shitposting.

Anonymous ID: 0107f8 Aug. 24, 2018, 9:23 p.m. No.2729794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9811


I'm saying it's pointless because dude doesn't care, he only wants to spam, it's been tried many times and failed every time. My bad, needed body fuel, stomach was louder than my headphones so I ate.