Anonymous ID: 5c0d96 Aug. 24, 2018, 10 p.m. No.2730072   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The universe is big enough to house both positive and negative ETs as well as man made space programs made through special access projects and financed by the constantly fudged DoD budget.

Anonymous ID: 5c0d96 Aug. 24, 2018, 10:34 p.m. No.2730313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0409

Sather gets ad hominem attacks but suprisingly no one dares to seriously discuss things he usually posts. It's about the message, not the messenger, and we are damn short on messengers you don't consider shills. And even thinking it's a genetic fallacy means you don't have a passing interest in discovering the truth behind it. A similarly disinterested person can say Q is a genetic fallacy because "hurr Q said erryone is satanist".


I'm too tired to (you) y'all properly and it makes no sense as you'll all keep banging on the same drums anyways and nothing short of full blown ET disclosure will wake you up, at which point the shills will rile up the sleepers with their "entire universe is demons" crap and we'll have a fuckfest because no one dares to expand their thinking or see how big this gets because coincidences only apply to things you currently believe in. Good night anons

Anonymous ID: 5c0d96 Aug. 24, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.2730409   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry for the rant. I was a bit harsh there. We have more important things to do than aliens and we might just be ready for disclosure in due time.