Anonymous ID: ad3d56 Aug. 24, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.2730116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0231 >>0235 >>0295

I have been digging on Admiral McRaven [SealTeam Six] for three days now and I hope you’ve seen some of my posts. First, I had Typos in the first 4 posts. It says Voltec, haha where it should be saying Votel.KEK. Q said follow the wives, which led me to McRaven’s son, John E who works for none other than….. Peter Thiel/ Palantir. Imagine that. He’s a very smart MFKR and actually has many patents on inventions through Palantir. Any ways, that led me to a site that turned out to be a trough if info. So amazing how this plays out. Pulease follow here, I promise this will be fun.

To start with, in Drop #1226 Q!xowAT4Z3VQ 22 Apr 2018 - 2:37:18 AM the last line Q says “This platform is more than simply pushing the TRUTH”. Well what else could there be? I think I have an idea…In Q Drop # 157 Q!ITPb.qbhqo 20 Nov 2017 - 4:29:00 PM Q says;

What is a key?………….. XKEYSCORE

What is a key used for?……………. Lock/Unlock information

What is a guard?……………… Protector of information/ Palantir Cyber Guard

What is a guard used for?………………. To protect Information

Who unlocked the door of all doors?……………. Peter Thiel/Palantir

Was it pre-planned? …………………..Probably/Yes

Do you believe in coincidences?…………………. No

What is information?……………………. Power/Control

Who controls the release of information?…………….. C_I

WHO HAS ALL OF THE INFORMATION?…………………. We (((White Hats))) have all the information, Now…Thank you Palantir/XKEYSCORE.

What do I base all of this off of? Well, if you’re not familiar with Palantir, let me tell you a liddle about it; The Company helped the NSA by providing it with sophisticated software that made it easier for the agency to use XKEYSCORE.

This program, the existence of which was first reported by The Guardian, is a top-secret tool which enables spies to;

search databases and access emails, online chats, and browsing histories of millions of unsuspecting Internet users.It can also collect information that sheds light on individual’s social networking habits, voice calls, webcam photos, Skype sessions, chats, and other regular habits.

Mighty Spoopy….. Palantir was often called upon to collect ‘large stacks’ of data used by countries participating in the ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence alliance – those of the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

So basically they are doing this over the whole world,SMDH…But we know all this right. Yes but here’s the kicker, how “This platform is more than simply pushing the TRUTH”; The GCHQ employed Palantir for a project code-named LOVELY HORSE, which was geared toward boosting the agency’s ability to collect ‘open source’ intelligence – namely information that was available on public internet domains, tweets, blogs, and news articles.

Do you see it??? That is US! This Board, 8 Chan, ANONS, all of US, EVERYTHING we do. WE are is a MIRROR of it… We are fighting against LOVELY HORSE!

We are in a battle of Good vs. Evil , Black hats vs. White hats going straight up against AI. This is real life Termator so to speak. You could almost say that LOVELY HORSE is real life SKYNET.

Finally, Czech this…” Palantir's vaunted computer program, Gotham, has historically been used to track the flow of weapons in the Middle East using manufacturing and weapons product data.”. Sounds like something that anyone at say…[Purple Shovel] might be interested in, IJS.

All of this info and more can be found here:

More spoopy details about XKEYSCORE can be found here:

In the same Drop, # 1226, he also says, “As the World Turns”. He seems to say that a lot. Well, I believe again that is because XKEYSCORE is Deployed and operates WW! Pic related and a whole lot moar information found here:

Here’s a different look at this, a video at Snowden news; Not Brennan like we might think but just as good. “Evening keynote conversations with Admiral William McRaven (ret.), and James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence”. [Funny how there logo is INSA]. Kinda screaming NSA but it’s actually Intelligence and National Security Alliance, almost seems misleading]. Kind of long and boring but it keeps McRaven in the room with the Intel Community well after his retirement. Did I mention that John McRaven at Palantir is Bill McRaven’s Son? Just czhecking….:

Anonymous ID: ad3d56 Aug. 24, 2018, 10:29 p.m. No.2730269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0295


Yeah but that was put in place for nefarious purposes. So the that part of the puzzle still holds. You may be right though in that it's now switched to the white side, Lovely Horse could be following us around, [I'm certain something follows all of us], to filter as they prolly can't get past the human aspect. Our Autism is erratic, nothing controls what it will lock in on.