Lawrence A. Pezzullo, the executive director of Catholic Relief Services, based in New York, said we agree there's a disagreement with the Government agency but defended his organization's record in distributing food to more than a million starving Ethiopians. He termed the allegations of misused money scurrilous and blamed disgruntled former employees for raising them. Our record is excellent, said Mr. Pezzullo.
Those who have raised the complaints include three former employees, Mr. MacGuire, who is a former Peace Corps worker and Catholic Relief Services representative in Burundi, and who is now director of corporate development for Macmillan Inc.; Peter P. Strzok, a former Army Corps of Engineers officer who served with the Catholic agency in Africa and Haiti, and Jean Serge Picard, who served in Zaire and Burundi.
In the early 80’s Upper Volta was in turmoil. It is said that mineral disputes with neighboring countries brought about great duress and so in 1985 the country of Upper Volta ceased to exist and was then named Burkina Faso during Strzok II’s term there. Specifically, in 1981 he was advised of a government visit to Upper Volta, which places him in Upper Volta for a period of 4 years as his son Strzok III was at the American School in Saudi Arabia from 1978- 1980. This happened after their sudden move from Tehran when Khomeni attained power over the Shah. Looks like whenever there is a regime change in modern history a Strzok is lying in the shadows waiting.
interesting phrase for that last copy/paste.