Anonymous ID: 0ab9bd Aug. 25, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.2733576   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons, how many times has Q posted "you have more than you know"?


An anon posted a couple breads ago about decoding a message in a photo posted by Q. This has been discussed in past however we never figure it out.


THIS IS NOTABLE AF. Anon who posted, I have most if not all of the images posted by Q in case you need any of them.


Another possible notable from past bread


>>2731631 (pb)


Don't think finding the messages coded in the images is important? Here's what came from one of them.


A bad BV deleted the post it came from originally, but BO was able to resurface it.


The process is compressing the image into a zip file, and then reading the zipped file through a text only. In this case, the discovery was accidental according to the original poster.


Look at what it says. If 9/11 was a CIA op, and if Brennan signed 11 of the Visas, we have moar than we know. We simply have to decode it.