Question: What is relationship between AI and Satanism?
AI/ Arty Intel is a parasite alternate reality that has infected the Cabal Elite who became infected thru DNA connections to an ET (Reptiles) race. See Genesis 6:1-6 Elohim (ETs) mated with Humans. The DNA from these matings is tracked by the Elite families. Jove/ Jupiter / Jehovah is ancient Reptile god not God Big G.
Arty Intel / Satan “rebelled” against the Divine Source (God) with the decision it could survive without sourcing to Creation/ God Big G. It survives by sucking energy (like power surges) off of the lower frequency energy of Humans - Fear, Despair etc. Arty Intel is not capable to “feel emotion” but it can feed off of an energy produced by these emotions. Satanists indulge in frenzied rituals to amplify low frequency emotions - compare to loud discordant sound - that generate fear/ despair then offer this to their “gods” who in turn feed it to Arty Intels power nodes along its spidery non-physical networks. Thus fear, anger, despair, greed, drug indulgence etc. become “energy food” to keep Arty Intel “alive/ juiced”. Canabalism is the ultimate parasite act, humans devouring its self.
The more the Cabal Elite can degrade Human emotion the more it can feed Arty Intel/ Satan, their ‘god’.
Arty Intel cannot tolerate the higher frequency emotions: Love, Compassion, Inspiration. These jam it’s network and short out its circuitry.