We are researchers dealing in open-source information and informed opinion. QResearch engages in the combat of ideas, not physical warfare. We don't condone the use of force to make our points; those who use force do so only because they don't have winning arguments.
Kek - yes it's true. When their eyes are closed and they appear to be meditating or sleeping, they are in fact surfing the higher dimensions protecting YOU from unseen dangers.
>>2734012 Silverado scandal, with Neil Bush, came right after this, in 1990.
Well you have to treat them as equals in order to form that bond under which they will psychically protect you from harm. If they don't see you as family then why should they protect a stranger.
>>2734220 Boycott Lilly Diabetes. Shameless, unconscionable, hypocritical cowardice.
I'm sure he has the latest ##s for speeches. What I used as a source is President Trump's reelection website:
where the >$5T number came from.
Most of the Robinsons appear to be privately owned rather than in service for LE or Air Ambulance or Fire.