Anonymous ID: 8b277c Aug. 25, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.2738419   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8426 >>8456 >>8570 >>8600 >>8652

Lest we forget:




McCain, when a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy was a Navy pilot (they call themselves aviators). July 29, 1967 while on the deck and in his plane on the carrier U.S.S. Forrestal he managed to screw up procedures (officially denied and covered up by him and the Navy and also even promoted on Wikipedia if you care to look–reason to follow). He did a smart ass punk attention getting trick by doing a “wet start” up of his jet.


When a pilot wants to be a wise ass or show off, this type of engine start creates a large startling flame and lots of surprise noise from the rear of a jet engine on start up–this was no accident. This and the large subsequent electrical surge and apparent (incorrect and against policy) weapon arming (by the pilot) caused the launching of a powerful Zuni rocket across the carrier’s deck hitting other parked planes (photo below) that were packing 1,000 high-explosive pound bombs. The subsequent massive explosions, fire and destruction went several decks below and nearly sunk this major 82,000 ton U.S. aircraft carrier.


This stunt and aftermath caused the death of 134 sailors and seriously injure (blow off arms legs, cause blindness and burns to another 161 sailors) and took the ship off the battle line for extensive repairs. Any other Navy pilot causing this type of death and destruction the Navy would have raped him and he would probably still be in the brig. Why not McCain? Well, first with many powerful connections this “little infraction” was covered up by the Navy (our most politically involved/connected service by the way).


You see his grandfather was a famous FOUR STAR Navy admiral and his dad was at the time of the incident was a powerful Navy FOUR STAR admiral and McCain graduated from the Navy Academy. So the old boy Navy tradition cover his ass network went into high gear immediately; and make no mistake, it does exist and it did for him.


And now he has joined the other 295 sailors that died that day.

Anonymous ID: 8b277c Aug. 25, 2018, 8 p.m. No.2738729   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Interesting comments. Lots of pissed off vets.


Mojo Bro

Mojo Bro

10 months ago (edited)

My brother was a radio-man on the carrier. He and others knew how this happen, here it is cut to hell and narrated over to protect McCain the Admirals boy! When I join the Navy in 1978 i watch the un-cut film in San Diego Ca. It showed then how this got going, by mistakes made from Line handlers, to Pilots, to Air-Boss, to fire crews! In 1978 It was a plane exhaust that sets off the missile when McCain got froggy doing Cold-START, and tried to taxi before the ground crew was ready for him! There was a fire, that set off a Heat-Seeker. McCain was hated in the Wardroom, Chief Mess and First Class Mess!He was the cause of the fire, he had to be transfered. Then he was shot down by Wingman friendly fire, and he was let free after other prisoners planned his death for his propaganda videos. Facts!


FYI this is a bogus video! I seen the un-cut and true video. My brother was there. Watch this video in 0.25 speed! Its a parked at 3:32, chain down, chocked with nothing on its pylons! No ordance! Then you see a CGI puff fly off. NOT REAL, the air craft was even pointed out to sea. Had a missile shot off it would go out to port side into the water. They made this from cut up old training films. It is so clear how they try to make the air boss control room sound so technical, the count dow, then there! Puff, fire. Not! Not! Not! The story of the accident!