Anonymous ID: 9f5147 Aug. 25, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.2738112   🗄️.is 🔗kun





John McCain is dead at 81.


NBC News reported:


John McCain, who shed a playboy image in his youth to become a fighter pilot, revered prisoner of war and both an independent voice in the Republican Party and its 2008 presidential nominee, died on Saturday, little more than a year after he was told he had brain cancer. He was 81.


McCain’s office said in a statement “Senator John Sidney McCain III died at 4:28 p.m. on August 25, 2018.” He announced on July 19, 2017, that he had been diagnosed with a glioblastoma, an aggressive type of brain tumor. Earlier this week his family announced he was discontinuing treatment.


John McCain’s family said in a statement released Friday that the Arizona Senator will discontinue medical treatment for brain cancer, signaling he was in his final days.


McCain, 81, served in Congress for over three decades.


John McCain served in Vietnam and was captured as a prisoner of war for five years.


McCain’s daughter, Meghan McCain released a statement Saturday evening.

Anonymous ID: 9f5147 Aug. 25, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.2738230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8391 >>8418 >>8600 >>8652

Italy Preparing to Limit Contributions to EU Long-Term Budget Over Migrant Issue


ROME (Sputnik) - Italy is getting ready to cut its contributions to the EU budget for the upcoming years over Europe's failure to reach agreement on the migrant issue, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said on Saturday.


On Friday, the European Commission called an informal meeting on migration with the participation of senior officials from the national governments of 12 EU member states, including Germany, Greece, France and Spain, after Italian Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio said Italy would may reconsider Rome's contributions to the EU budget if other countries did not accept the nearly 200 migrants who had been saved in the Mediterranean by the Italian Diciotti coast guard ship. The meeting, however, did not yield results.


"I wrote yesterday that we would draw conclusions. I will clarify: we are working on introducing limitations in relation to Italy's joining the long-term financial plan which is being discussed now. Under such circumstances, Italy does not consider it possible to join the budget that envisions such an inconsistent social policy," Conte wrote on Facebook.


Europe has been facing a large influx of migrants since 2015, and although the number of new arrivals has gone down over the last year, the issue of accommodating migrants and refugees remains acute, especially for such countries as Spain, Italy, and Greece, which often serve as the point of first entry into the European Union.

Anonymous ID: 9f5147 Aug. 25, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.2738505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8545 >>8573



1.No name gets busted, indicted and processed, case is sealed.

2.Then starts wearing a boot on his leg, suspected of hiding a monitoring device.

  1. We find out he is the Queens guy in the US , also he may have British citizenship making him eligible to be held as a foreign agent and put through a secret military court.

  2. He gets a trial is found guilty is sentenced to death, on dogs day giving Q team foreknowledge of the event.

  3. No name then tries to build a narrative to explain his death so MSM can have a pre packaged alternate reality to propagandize the public with.

  4. No name was saying who could and couldn't go to his funeral the last week or so. Stopping his treatment etc……

  5. We'll get the truth soon.