Anonymous ID: bd103e Aug. 25, 2018, 7:03 p.m. No.2737991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8035


mentioned this a few breads ago, but was a little late in the bread to get any traction

i was reading a book called bloodlines of the illuminati

it mentioned that the rhodes scholar program designed to take "brightest" to oxford to brainwash them into the global elitist leaders of tomorrow

this seems to be verified if you look at list of past rhodes scholars:


they include: bill clinton, susan rice, rachel maddow, corey booker

just wondering about ALL THE OTHER names on that list that dont jump out as so obvious


  1. are there other low-key, stealth globalists we should be digging on just bc theyre on that list?

  2. since you can see the current organization/job each scholar does now… which combinations of these orgs mixed together add up to fuckery? seems obvious these

scholars are all in the same elite club would work together going forward in life