Anonymous ID: f6ccf5 Aug. 25, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.2738555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8574 >>8612

The No Name “death” took the attention off of the trump tweets today about exposing the WL emails.


Last few pics of him he looked relatively healthy. Perhaps he is the one who will take the fall for everything that has to do w U1. HE was the one that delivered it! Just watch. Everyone will point the finger at him and how convient that he’s dead, or is he -?- like Hitler in Argentina sort of thing. The BO and HRC can be like oopsy, we didn’t know.


What timing! I call foul! These emails that DJT tweets about is HUGE AND IS HISTORY! somethings fishy w this one.