Anonymous ID: 0b5b22 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:21 p.m. No.2738976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8996 >>9008 >>9026 >>9075 >>9082 >>9125 >>9148 >>9165 >>9428



You are a childfag. You do not know about Viet Nam. Many of us oldfags do. We were there. John was not a traitor.


There is a lot a person will do when he has a cocked gun in his ear and someone holding a piece of paper saying: "Read this exactly as written or else!" Neither the USN or America condemned Vietnam captives of making such statements while under extreme duress. What the captives were doing at the time was giving subtle hand gestures (like the finger) while making these statements to let the military know they were under duress. This was widely discussed by the higher authorities at the time, and appropriate changes to the "Code of Conduct" were made. Get a life and study a little moar. I was in the military at that time. McCain was returned to the states and given a warrior’s welcome. Everyone knew about the tapes and audio recordings.

Anonymous ID: 0b5b22 Aug. 25, 2018, 9:02 p.m. No.2739397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9401



Not an "it." Not a "Clown." Just a retired military old fag. Your "comms" suck. Your comms are leading newfags towards haterid rather than love and tolerance. PEOTUS and most of Q are not hateful or revengfull. They are for truth and justice.