Anonymous ID: 55c792 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.2738990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is a problem with this McStain shit that people are failing to see - especially those in the Q team/military.


There is an enormous upswell of outright anger amongst the veterans who were harmed by this insane, evil individual.


Veterans range from those that survived the catastrophe on the USS Forrestal to those families of military personal who died as a direct result of the treasonous behavior of McStain while a 'POW' in Vietnam.


Veterans talk amongst themselves and most evey grunt in the military knows the treachery of this man and what he did. It is known because there is an invisible communication line that runs through the military chat rooms, bars, units, etc, that make up the vast majority of the military. It is the military equivalent of the grapevine.


Therein lies the problem - a vast amount of veterans have been denied their due rewards in seeing this evil man hang for his crimes. Instead he is being lauded as a hero.


America has failed these men and women who fought and died for country while this piece of shit got away unscathed. Shame on everyone involved in the military who has been a party to this copver-up.