Anonymous ID: 570167 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.2738844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8898 >>8981 >>9174 >>9366 >>9431


The unauthorized autobiography of John McCain is one which reveals a historic psychopathy of a man who did not belong in the military, United States Senate or even in a marriage, but is instead that of a psychopath. Whether it was attempting to ruin President George W. Bush, succeeding in usurping Barack Obama of foreign policy or the last gasp of John McCain in the fake news against President Donald Trump, the pattern is clear. John McCain is a man with psychological, sociological and emotional psychosis.


The central theme of John McCain can best be described in his military career on the USS Forrestal, where his idea of "fun" cost 134 Sailors their lives and burned 161 Sailors while John McCain walked away unharmed.


The reality of the fighter pilot is numbers are men of superior ability and inferior emotional stability. The problem with John McCain is he was a troubled soul of inferior pilot ability matching his inferior emotional stability.

It is a fact that the greatest War Hero of the Vietnam War, for the North Vietnamese is John McCain. John McCain killed more Americans in Vietnam than any 100 North Vietnamese or Vietcong. John McCain single handedly almost sank a United States Aircraft carrier. John McCain turned out 20 anti American recordings, surpassing even Hanoi Jane Fonda. John McCain did more for the North Vietnamese war effort than the Soviet Union and Chinese communists combined.


The historical facts are that John McCain was a fighter ace against the American air forces. McCain in his flying history destroyed 5 American aircraft, which is of interest in he was inside and flying every aircraft. He was a Cold War Soviet ace.


The examination in the unauthorized autobiography of John McCain centers on his deployment aboard the USS Forrestal where over 300 Americans were murdered and assaulted.

In examination of this event, there are numerous versions, even from John McCain himself, which points to a direct cover up, and in all of this is a glaring piece of evidence that one of the first people evacuated by helicopter off the Forrestal was Lt. Commander John McCain, and he had no injuries justifying this, considering the emergency condition of other Sailors.

It was said the Forrestal's crew wanted blood over the deaths and injuries and John McCain was the reason as his pyschotic nature had caused this disaster.

Anonymous ID: 570167 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:14 p.m. No.2738892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9033


>3. We find out he is the Queens guy in the US , also he may have British citizenship making him eligible to be held as a foreign agent and put through a secret military court.


I didn't know he was British

Anonymous ID: 570167 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.2738928   🗄️.is 🔗kun


July 21, 1967 was the full moon that month.


The accident was July 29, 1967


Closest occult holiday is Aug 1, Lammas


Critical thinking though.

Anonymous ID: 570167 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:26 p.m. No.2739035   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Couple more recent posts that said [20]


I expect more shit on 8/29 which is Wed. Already shit planned for Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: 570167 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:30 p.m. No.2739094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9112 >>9143

Do you know something that is REAL interesting?


This Primary Election is coming up. Literally 3 days away. August 28, 2018.


What would be the BEST CASE SCENARIO for everyone?


Think about it- Who ever wins the primary goes on to oppose the Democratic candidate. Who ever comes in 2nd in the primary is appointed to No Name's seat.


IMHO appointing Joe Arapio would be the BEST thing that could happen here. I question if he'll win the primary though.

Anonymous ID: 570167 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.2739224   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Is it bad that I just now realized that Laos is sitll a country… and that Vietnam is like a thread along the coast there?


All these years I thought North and South Vietnam were two halves of a peninsula…. north occupying the whole northern half and south occupying the whole southern half. Now I find out it's basically just a thread of a country along the coast.


I've gotten Vietnam confused with N and S Korea.


WTF were we doing fighting in a little thread of a country along the coast anyway?