Anonymous ID: 811139 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.2738774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8807



Kristy Allen — now that's an interesting name My father's name was Jack Allen - lived on Allen street - and my filming mostly took place on Alan Street - which is why I am Alan. They change one word here or thwere but it's all MK Ultra as this is a testament to which is also on the QMAP - and is about the Allan Institute -


as for why Allan?


It's a code


MK Ultra -which was about regressive behaviors at the Allan Institute




LN = phonetic for Alan

Anonymous ID: 811139 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.2739078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9359


I meant I didn't write down their ages, not names - I did write down their names and a little summary so I could remember each of their stories : )


As for the geographic location? We came from all around the country and one guy was from Russia and I had to tell him he was a filmed victim through a translater they brought in - but most of them were from U.S.A. and brought to Colorado which appears to be a hub of it - like the columbine killers one of which shares a last name with my mother - (and many other names I recognize in their family)


So we probably were all raised in Colorado (except for the Russia guy) oh and the two military victims who clearly were just picked to be victims later in life - but early in life I'm from Georgia and my granddad owned a bunch of farms that the cult wanted and he pissed them off I think by divorcing his cultist wife thus made my father and me by extension victims.


Others came from Chicago, Texas, and well, I could get my notes if you really want to hear all the locations but all around. - I'm 36 now and most were younger than me - I suspect the vast majority of victims are dead now but of the ones that aren't and older than me it was a woman whom I believe they turned her kid into a cultists and further experiment with the mother this way - they did the same to my non cultists sister - only one of my sisters got into the cult.

Anonymous ID: 811139 Aug. 25, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.2739444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9484


yes I am being treated very well. As for the "shows" - yes each one is a seperate one tho some connect - my eldest sister was also a victim and she lived in the same Alan house as I did - the rest of the Alan St was a mixture of other victims and other criminals. As was much of the rest of the neighborhood.


as for the filming HUB? Well they watched the whole neighborhood, our schools which also was a hub for other victims (like columbine was at the same time) - they wanted someone like me to shoot up my school which would have symbolically been even better for them as it had a mascot of a baby lamb - "silence of the lambs" a joke they desperatley wanted to make.


anyway, the hub for me was the home which through ADT security is where most of the footage was collected - straight to Colorado State University where it was edited - and then to Epstien Island (sometimes directly to Epstein on sacrifice days, that is days they had arranged our deaths)


As for other victims I recognize? Yes, some are dead now, one is in jail, and I'm sure I'll learn a lot more about that soon.