Anonymous ID: b1b087 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.2739188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9223 >>9227 >>9264 >>9280 >>9287 >>9293 >>9361 >>9388 >>9477

As retired military I am not a No-Name fan, but on that note I also don't believe in speaking ill of the who have past. And those that are have the right to I admit.


I'm sure I'll catch hell but don't really care…


IMO, those going to twatter and FB quoting Q"s posts or making statements on behalf of Anons that No-Name was a SOB or the theory he's not dead, etc, etc, etc is harmful to the QAnon movement.


We have been fighting like hell to push the Q narrative as intelligent researchers.


All this bullshit negatively reflects on the group as a whole.


If you want to make statement about no-name fine, but IMO, don't drag Q or the board into your inflammatory and unsauced statements.


Ya, I know… Fuck you too!!!!