Anonymous ID: c57da1 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:06 p.m. No.2738795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8811 >>8820 >>8822 >>8830 >>8833 >>8849 >>8856 >>8911 >>9009 >>9276 >>9357 >>9471

I need to take a couple days away from media and from here. Seeing people like Mattis and Pompeo praise no-name as a patriot kicks me right in the soul. What good is a great awakening of we still have to play the game with separate rules from the other side? If we can't admit that a bad person isn't magically transformed into a saint because they achieved room temp?


Seriously, I am grieved. Can anyone explain what they think is going on? And if I hear "4-D chess" right now … grrr.