Anonymous ID: cde396 Aug. 25, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.2739624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9742


I come in here once in awhile. in the past, I use to live on here but most of the Intel has already come out so Q is just rehashing the past… for new anons… I think/hope.


Bush also died, the sick pedo-faggot. No truth came out on Fox or any other outlet like BB or alt media except for the anons making yt vids. in that sense,i lost interest. All these people who "die" will die as heroes.


Here we r meming, posting, doing all nighters diggn & it sometimes feels like a huge let down when we see these assholes honored.


Anyone who thinks Q team & DT arent working together are either stupid, ignorant, or a shill.


The MockingBird stations have said such ridiculous claims that I feel they are Intentionally trying to get more ppl to leave the DNC party. a weird part of me thinks this is all some sort of a plan.


What is the end game? OWG/NWO … Potus has been making the rounds and working with nations "freeing" nations.


I always wondered why Q never brought up Kissinger. I was wondering if, HRC was becoming too powerful & new alliances were made.. the plan to get rid of some of the key players..Rockefeller dies 2017, son dies 2014… etc … maybe HK new he was next on the hit list & decided to join Potus. DT was destined to be Prez. If u dont believe that, u really arent awake. I believe DT was part of the plan but I think his term was to be short-lived. No movie/article/cartoon really states how long DT was to be Prez b4 someone else became took over.


maybe we will be all under a satanic free NWO… idk. all I know is that we r being used. we are ponds for their plan and we r helping them achieve… it takes >5% of the population to take over/topple a government. I can only hope this is all for the good of Humanity.


My thoughts are my own and although u maybe able to manipulate other anons on here w/ memes - that shit doesnt work on me.


I am a truth seeker.

I am a patriot.

I love the idea this country was built on, I hope to see it achieve that ideology.

Anonymous ID: cde396 Aug. 25, 2018, 9:51 p.m. No.2739876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0059


… ah yeah. it's called 5G. Go to local gov and fight installation of 5G networks… aka Rothschild cities


wifi fuks with DNA. everything has a resonance. fuk with the vibrations of an atom long enough, you'll make change states.. most likely create free radicals … e- .. basically fuk w/ atomic structure of cells in ur body… not just us though.. animals as well. we operate at low frequencies.. our brains hover around 10hz