Anonymous ID: e90096 Aug. 25, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.2739525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0008 >>0139


no worries, ppl have called my story the real-life Truman show a few times - and indeed, and that name "Truman" has significance as that's a name the cult particularly hates I think due to FDR being killed two weeks before Hitler and Mussolini bringing an end to WW2 and a huge wrench for a few decades in cult control over the white house and world (for a while anyway) their vengeance against him might be represented in such a film making a joke about it - tho for me they showed me the film stay tuned as a joke about what they were doing to us victims - watch the trailer cause it wasn't happy like Truman show - they showed this to me at a cult night sleepover for a person I didn't know right before they moved me into the Alan house... so yea, this is how they see it - and it is largely explained in all the murder attempts they do to us while experimenting - fun to watch hence different shows. One of the other victims for example had a family full of necrophiliac cannibals - I got off easy compared to him

Anonymous ID: e90096 Aug. 25, 2018, 9:25 p.m. No.2739589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9797 >>0097 >>0139


my eldist sister is 39, this 40'ish one is about the same age as her probably from the same generation of it - remember it's partly about experimentation so they need a decent sample size.


ADT is one of the codes the good guys sent on my phone to clue me in on wtf was going on (after I had opened the cult chest in my house and realized all the fuckery in my life was not coincidental) - making the ADT connection gave me the big clue about how they could hide cameras in places like Smoke detectors as well as be ok if the law ever came in and looked around - nothing to see here.

Anonymous ID: e90096 Aug. 25, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.2739658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9690


as for whether I was reunited? The good guys tried to get me to but My sister is predisposed to not believe m thanks to a long effort of family cultists to sour her on me. The good guys actually hacked my phone and had it call her as I passed by a woman holding an umbrella in the middle of the day wearing a striped shirt (closed eye code i.e. unaware of the cult) and a boy and a girl under it "the same" was the code and they both wore clothes that referenced my past - the act was to get me to realize my eldest sister was the same as me and so I better talk to her about it - and I did, and she just didn't believe it…. so what can I do? - The cult then started harassing me telling me if I ever talked to my eldest sister again I'd go to jail so that's just annoying - I hope she figures it out soon I've certainly said as much as I can - and she reads my twitter feed as well.


As for the WW thing, yes definitley - a lot of codes from the lady that was with McCain in that photo her instagram has codes about the Alan show and Epstein island - the vast majority of victims are sex - here, note the smile delivery thing in her instagram - same as it is on the QMAP (there's a seperate photo of mccain not smiling - which when paired with that one = delivering smiles it's all code

Anonymous ID: e90096 Aug. 25, 2018, 9:52 p.m. No.2739882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0067


I'm pretty sure I'm safe, I honestly wasn't sure what was up with Dan Rather saying "Stay Tuned" because I'm pretty sure that's a code for filmed victims like me - I suspect it meant that the Mueller investigation is going to rope in people like me and he was warning the MSM about it as a mouthpiece for someone… but it's sometimes not easy to dicern the cult codes -


as for trying to control me? Yes, but it only amounts to shilling it seems now, they did approach me before I escaped and gave me a threatening phone call not that long ago to stop trying to talk to my eldest sister - but I don't think they can do much.