Rational Equation calculation
Always interesting
Units in Rational Equation calculation: ft3=cubic foot, m3=cubic meter, mm=millimeter, s=second
Rational Method Equation
The Rational equation is the simplest method to determine peak discharge from drainage basin runoff. It is not as sophisticated as the SCS TR-55 method, but is the most common method used for sizing sewer systems.
Rational Equation: Q=ciA
The Rational equation requires the following units:
Q = Peak discharge, cfs
c = Rational method runoff coefficient
i = Rainfall intensity, inch/hour
A = Drainage area, acre
Note that our calculation allows you to use a variety of units.
The Rational method runoff coefficient (c) is a function of the soil type and drainage basin slope. A simplified table is shown below. See the references at the bottom of the page for more complete tables including impact of slope.
The Rainfall intensity (i) is typically found from Intensity/Duration/Frequency curves for rainfall events in the geographical region of interest. The duration is usually equivalent to the time of concentration of the drainage area. The storm frequency is typically stated by local authorities depending on the impact of the development. A 10-yr, 25-yr, 50-yr, or even 100-yr storm frequency may be specified.