damn, what if No Name new he was in SOOO much trouble that he has been planning this suicide for months?
Q don't let them sell the No Name senate Seat
America's enemies would pay Billions for that seat to stop POTUS
I bet this guy is a little worried today.
Kill them all.
To clarify, the guy on the right that was with no Name in Syria selling out the US
Before Q started posting, Lindsey Graham did nothing without No Name, he was no Names shadow. Since Q this has changed. In my opinion it's another Q proof.
Graham was No Names #1. They were so close for so many years that I thought they were lovers.
Now, I wonder if McCain will even go to the funeral. Something has happened, you would have to be blind not to see it.
Now I wonder if Graham will even go to the funeral
Was Graham one of the ones freed shouting USA USA?