Isaiah 19 account of 2141 years
Before the Christian era
The Year of Tears
19 On that day there shall be an ALTAR to the LORD, In the midst of the Land of Egypt
This is a quote from an ancient Coptic text that was transcribed from a Hebrew text which was written eight century before the Christian era began, by a man named Isaiah. A later Egyptian writer/ historian mirrors this 19th chapter of Isaiah by the name of Manetho of the third century before the Christian era in his description is of the First Intermediate Period of Egyptian History. The description in this chapter of Isaiah is not of a future event as in his eleventh and fifty first chapters but an event of the past 1,300 years before Isaiah's birth, a commentary on the flood and aftermath caused by the destruction of the Isis dam across the Nile causing the Sesonchosis (the Season of Chaos) of Egypt’s history. Now here is the point in
verses number nineteen and twenty.
19 On that day there shall be an ALTAR to the LORD, In the midst of the Land of Egypt and a PILLAR at its Border to the LORD.
20 and it shall be a sign and for a wittiness to the Lord of Host in the land of Egypt
However, we will need to decode those statements a little first, the location in “The midst land of Egypt “? Okay that means the middle of Ancient Egypt. Next, “at its border there of”, that statement does not mean at the outside edge of Egypt, but to the location where the two Ancient Egypt’s Upper and Lower meets, and where is that? Just up the river from Cairo. What is “a PILLAR "? That is a tall rock or a stack of rocks. What is “an ALTAR?” It is a place to meet with GOD. Now here is the answer to this “Dark Saying” that locks these passages to the Great Pyramid in the verses 19-20. Remember the Hebrew Scholars use line ciphers to keep the transcriptions accurate? Well the total of verses 19-20 is 5,400, which is the total Pyramid Inches from the base to the platform of the Great Pyramid. Moreover, when did this Altar or Pillar come into view?
And the waters shall fail from the sea (of Egypt) and the river (Nile) shall be wasted (lost to the Mediterranean) and dried up.
I have read it in Shocked by the Bible but I don't have the exact references handy.