About very old Q about AIDS. Skip if its been covered.
Billions of dollars raised by dirty ppl for AIDS foundations including Cuckerburg, Bill Gates, Clintons, Richard Branson, Janet Wojcicki, Oprah, Elton John, UNICEF, Marina Abramović.
Warren Buffett alone gave $31 billion to Bill Gates foundation that deals in AIDS
Where does that money go?
Rockefeller owns Zika Virus patent
US owns Ebola virus patent
Dr Robert Gallo who 'discovered' AIDS owns HIV/AIDS patent
HIV/AIDS has a different definition depending on the country. Most Africans are just sick with treatable illnesses/diseases but by their countries definition they have AIDS.
Population control.
USA AIDS is also a sham, but in a different way.
AIDS drugs are chemos or organ transplant drug and are only designed to be taken for a short time. AIDS 'patients' use them til they die from the drugs