Anonymous ID: e2c118 Aug. 26, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.2744227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4245



I'd feel a whole lot more comfortable if I thought that POTUS and MI are just having to deal with domestic black hats. Problem is, black hats are powerfully embedded in governments around the globe and they will fight to (our not their) death to preserve their power. I hold my breath each day.

The latest is the (long anticipated) move away from the US Dollar by Russia, China, and now Germany. Trump has forced the acceleration of this move. Americans will take a huge hit, and Trump will be blamed.

I try to warn folks that this is coming and that rather than being the cause of it, DJT is doing his best to shore up our productive capacity, etc, before it hits.

Anonymous ID: e2c118 Aug. 26, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.2744391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4463 >>4501

>>2744245 The USD is the go-to reserve currency which has allowed the US to export debt more than anything of real value. So yes, that may be a way to take out the black hats.


On the flip side, you do realize that the black hat plan all along was to take out the USD and replace it with another globally accepted FIAT currency. I've read that they were actually working with China to accomplish that. (But Who knows.)


Their plan to execution has been necessarily accelerated. We'll see who can win the ultimate battle. I pray for this POTUS and for all of humanity, because the black hat plan was sinister, indeed.


Sorry. No sauce. My opinion is informed over 15 years of reading, digging, and researching some more, trying to figure it out. And after all that, all we can do is offer up conjecture on what may or may not be happening.

Anonymous ID: e2c118 Aug. 26, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.2744707   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2744501 I'll go back and read. Didn't get it then. Will try again.


And re: OBOR, That's my point. One belt, One Road being set up to the exclusion of the US. And it is China and Russia (and JP Morgan with silver), etc etc who have been accumulating metals like mad.


US metals? Who knows? No audits so we have no fucking clue.


I don't know, (and many believe I'm naive) but I instinctively believe that Putin is every bit as interested in burying the black hats as DJT, ultimately setting up a peaceful, multi polar world. However, Putin realizes that black hats are still alive and well in this country and abroad. No one to trust.


And before I get yelled at, yes, I know I'm shitting up the research board.