Anonymous ID: 91774c Aug. 26, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.2745112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5166 >>5183 >>5238 >>5254 >>5260 >>5469

So I've been looking at all the posts about No Name's passing and all of his treasonous acts. One thing started to stand out to me, many of the posts referred to No Name as "Songbird". I've only ever connected that name to his time as a POW but just now it dawned on me how many times Q has asked when does a bird sing. Well, if the bird is No Name then we know for sure that bird sings when captured by the enemy. Was No Name a key information source to the Q team? Was death without the public dishonor the best deal he could work out? Sorry if I'm behind the curve with this, just now hit me that Q is probably referring to No Name when he references birds and singing.