Anonymous ID: b9322c Aug. 26, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.2745171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5223 >>5259 >>5286

Possible explanations for no name's death, most likely to least:


1/ Knows its game over & been shown air tight evidence of his crimes. Committed suicide. (most likely as Q hinting at this + Q proofs/knew to the day and minute)

2/ Shown evidence and not dead. White hats faked his death to keep him safe from deep state. Use as witness against higher up cabal….no deals tho. (Q did add the ? after Suicide weekend/when does a bird sing hints)

3/ Black hats faked his death thinking they outsmarted Q - these people are stupid and Q knows all about their shitty plan.

4/ Death used to pull out of game for trial and imprisonment. Why bother when terminal cancer already good enough excuse for retiring & removal?

5/ Had cancer and died before the hammer drops.

6/ Dead a while. Killed in some shadow war op - Q team announcing death from cancer now as a signal for future happenings.

7/ Tried and executed in secret. (see last 2 as least likely as Q and white hats are trying to re-establish rule of law, not a good start for coming trials if they kill no name in secret)